Short Takes…For Such A Time As This! Esther 4:14


Dear Prayer Warriors,

For those of you who are not on certain Social Media sites, I publish “Short Takes” every day.

Below are the takes for last week.   The first listed are from me.  The remaining  are from other writers.

I pray they bless you  and keep you striving toward a full Kingdom walk ‘for such a time as this!’

God Bless,


From Esther’s Warriors Ministry:

~”You are chosen.  You are loved.  You are His.  Live accordingly!”

~”When your heart finds home in Him…You live in His peace!”

~”Celebrate the beauty of each season!”

~”You can choose to be

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Short Takes…For Such A Time As This! Esther 4:14


Dear Prayer Warriors,

For those of you who are not on certain Social Media sites, I publish “Short Takes” every day.

Below are the takes for last week.   The first listed are from me.  The remaining  are from other writers.

I pray they bless you  and keep you striving toward a full Kingdom walk ‘for such a time as this!’

God Bless,


From Esther’s Warriors Ministry:

~”When things shift for the positive…Flow with it.  Do not stay stuck!”

~”God does not want you to remain the same.  His call is to come up higher!”

~”Be salt and light…Especially in

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Short Takes…For Such A Time As This! Esther 4:14


Dear Prayer Warriors,

For those of you who are not on certain Social Media sites, I publish “Short Takes” every day.

Below are the takes for last week.   The first listed are from me.  The remaining  are from other writers.

I pray they bless you  and keep you striving toward a full Kingdom walk ‘for such a time as this!’

God Bless,


Esther’s Warriors Ministry

~”Nurturing a grateful heart…Keeps you open to God’s flow in your life!”

~”Ruminating on past things…Keeps you from God’s best now!”

~”Keep moving forward.  Leave the past where it belongs…Past!”

~”Former rejection can keep

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Short Takes…For Such A Time As This! Esther 4:14


Dear Prayer Warriors,

For those of you who are not on certain Social Media sites, I publish “Short Takes” every day.   Below are the takes for last week.   I pray they bless you  and keep you striving toward a full Kingdom walk ‘for such a time as this!’

God Bless,


~Better to stand alone…Or with a few…Than in the counsel of fools.

~”Recognize the provision despite the packaging.”  Jennifer Rothschild

~Seek His presence…Not the presents!

~ Just as He came to earth in humble beginnings so today He seeks a humble heart in which to reside.

~Never stop believing…For

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Short Takes…For Such A Time As This! Esther 4:14


Dear Prayer Warriors,

For those of you who are not on certain Social Media sites, I publish “Short Takes” every day.   Below are the takes for last week.   I pray they bless you  and keep you striving toward a full Kingdom walk ‘for such a time as this!’

God Bless,


~As the world gets darker…Shine all the brighter!

~Life is but a vapor.  Live with grace and integrity.  Reflect the King!

~For every war you win through Him…there is power to continue on in Him!

~Perspective…Keep yours positive…Think on whatever things are lovely! Philippians 4:6-9

~Let go of:

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Short Takes…For Such A Time As This! Esther 4:14


Dear Prayer Warriors,

For those of you who are not on certain Social Media sites, I publish “Short Takes” every day.   Below are the takes for last week.   I pray they bless you  and keep you striving toward a full Kingdom walk ‘for such a time as this!’

God Bless,


~You do not know until you know.  Worry not in the interim.  Actually, “Worry Not.”  Jesus

~If God gives you an opening…take it!

~To be in the center of God’s will…Priceless!

~Submit…Let God handle your life details…After all…Only He sees the whole picture!

~Storms come and storms go…Do not

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Short Takes…For Such A Time As This! Esther 4:14


Dear Prayer Warriors,

For those of you who are not on certain Social Media sites, I publish “Short Takes” every day.   Below are the takes for last week.   I pray they bless you  and keep you striving toward a full Kingdom walk ‘for such a time as this!’

God Bless,


~A heart filled with compassion beats in resonance with the King’s heart!

~You were created for purpose.  Follow Jesus and fulfill your purpose!

~Fit your life within the parameters of the Word of God…Not within your own desires!

~A true friend is like an oasis in the desert.  Whatever

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Short Takes…For Such A Time As This! Esther 4:14


Dear Prayer Warriors,

For those of you who are not on certain Social Media sites, I publish “Short Takes” every day.   Below are the takes for last week.   I pray they bless you  and keep you striving toward a full Kingdom walk ‘for such a time as this!’

God Bless,


~As we begin National Bible Week…Commit to reading the Bible & planting God’s Word deep in your heart!   It is always a heart issue!

~Live as if Jesus is right there with you…because He is!

~Rather than focus on what is not right in your life…Look for what

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Short Takes…For Such A Time As This! Esther 4:14


Dear Prayer Warriors,

For those of you who are not on certain Social Media sites, I publish “Short Takes” every day.   Below are the takes for last week.   I pray they bless you  and keep you striving toward a full Kingdom walk ‘for such a time as this!’

God Bless,


~If you do only what is right in your own eyes, you will find yourself in turmoil.  Line up with the Word of God!

~Life is full of ups and downs…Do not stay down…That is not His plan for you.  Jeremiah 29:11

~Ruminate over life stress…or…Think on whatever things

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Short Takes…For Such A Time As This! Esther 4:14


Dear Prayer Warriors,

For those of you who are not on certain Social Media sites, I publish “Short Takes” every day.   Below are the takes for last week.   I pray they bless you  and keep you striving toward a full Kingdom walk ‘for such a time as this!’

God Bless,


~Where you can…Sow kindness…Sow love!

~To find people who really care about you is a gift.  Cherish them.  Let them know!

~Contemporary thinking…or…The Word of God?  Choose wisely!

~The doctrine of man…or…the Word of God?  Choose wisely!

~”I will restore your health and heal your wounds.”  Believe without doubt! 

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