

Today we celebrate Pentecost. This is a most powerful day in the Spirit.  Pentecost falls 50 days after Passover which commemorates the Jewish exodus from Egypt.

Between Passover and Pentecost is a sacred time not only of anticipation but also of deep reflection. 

We have been delivered from sin should we choose to walk in that freedom.  We have journeyed through  these last 50 days seeking the Spirit. 

Our prayer is always that He will come and burn the dross from each of our hearts (for it is always a heart issue) and lives so we may arise in His power and anointing “for such a time as this!”

In the Old Testament, God appeared on Mt. Sinai and gave the Torah to Moses to empower and guide the Jewish people.  He appeared with fire, wind and sound.

In the New Testament, the Holy Spirit came to the upper room and fell with fire, wind and sound to empower the believers gathered there and send them forth to carry the Gospel to all the world.

The world is imploding around us more each day.  These are the days spoken about in Scripture.  We are the remnant raised up in this season to bring the Kingdom of God to earth as it is in heaven. 

We are Kingdom ambassadors who serve the King of kings and the Lord of lords. 

This Pentecost let us go forth imbued with His power from on high and be the light in this ever darkening world. 

May His Spirit bring a mighty, purifying revival and restoration to each heart so we may arise corporately to manifest His glory. 

May healing and restoration come to each household that serves Him and be carried out to all the earth in Jesus’ name.  Amen and Amen! 

This is the time.  We are His people. 

Make no mistake, if you serve Him and you are reading this, this is a call to arms! 

Let us go forth empowered for battle to bring down every stronghold that would impede the movement of His Spirit in each of our lives and corporately in His church. 

Arise, mighty warriors for the power of Pentecost is here! 

Expect a mighty move of His Spirit! 

Be a part of the now move of His Spirit!

As It Is Written:

“Now all the people witnessed the thunderings, the lightning flashes, the sound of the trumpet, and the mountain smoking…” Exodus 20:18

And when the day of Pentecost was fully come, they were all with one accord in one place.  And suddenly there came a sound from heaven as of a rushing mighty wind, and it filled all the house where they were sitting. And there appeared unto them cloven tongues as of fire, and it sat upon each of them.   And they were all filled with the Holy Ghost and began to speak in other tongues, as the Spirit gave them utterance.”  Acts 2:1-4

“And it shall come to pass in the last days, says God, that I will pour out of My Spirit on all flesh; your sons and your daughters shall prophesy, your young men shall see visions, your old men shall dream dreams.”  Acts 2:17

It Is Never Too Late!

If you have not yet made the decision to accept Jesus Christ into your heart, do it now.  Do not wait another minute.  Speak to Him from your heart (for it is always a heart issue).  Tell Him you have fallen short in your life.  Sincerely apologize for your sins.  Ask Him to cleanse you and come into your heart and be Lord over your life.   From this moment forward, let His Spirit guide you along the narrow road that leads to everlasting life.

If you have wandered off the narrow path, take this very moment to realign your life under His Kingship!

It is never too late!

Remember, it is always a heart issue!

Calling all Prayer Warriors

Please join us in prayer:

Please keep our United States Military and their families in prayer. Their life is a life of service and sacrifice to keep us all free and safe.

SEEK: Stay Equipped, Empowered, Kingdom focused! ©

Remember, it is always a heart issue!

For it is written:

“Yet who knows whether you have come to the Kingdom for such a time as this?”

Esther 4:14

A Blessing For You:

The Lord bless you and keep you;

The Lord make His face shine upon you,

And be gracious to you;

The Lord lift up His countenance upon you,

And give you peace.

Numbers 7:24-26


 Pray for America




