Daily Inspiration-Fractured Through Life Experiences?

Differences can divide.  If your heart has been fractured through life experiences, you may see only division in difference. In the end, it is always a heart issue.

Perhaps look at differences as opportunities to learn to respect another even if not just like you.  After all, wouldn’t life be really boring if we were all the same?  Open your heart.  Change your attitude to one of unity despite difference.

Let the Lord heal your wounds.  He is faithful to rescue and protect those who acknowledge Him.  Allow God’s grace to wash over you and heal every broken place.  

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Daily Inspiration-Got Wisdom?

When King Solomon had the opportunity to ask God for anything he wanted, he asked for wisdom and an understanding heart (for it is always a heart issue).  He did not ask for wealth or the latest hi-tech chariot.  He asked for wisdom.

What are you asking God for today? Ask first for wisdom.  For without wisdom it is near impossible to live without drama. 

It is so easy these days to be deceived and caught up with people and things that are not God’s best for

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Daily Inspiration-Got Idols?

Who or what do you focus on the most?  What consumes your attention?  Is it money, material things, addiction, sex, your professional title, etc.?  It is easy to unknowingly turn someone or something in your life into an idol.  Even your church, your Pastor, a televangelist can become an idol.  Wanting something or someone so much that it becomes your primary focus can also be an idol.

When you idolize you take your eyes off God. 

I have seen many miss blessings because they are so singularly focused

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Daily Inspiration-Do Not Take the Bait!

Have you noticed how frenetic the world is becoming?  You can readily see it in listening to the news.  You can readily see it in your own little corner of the world.

People seem more divisive than ever before.  It appears that we have lost the ability to listen to one another with an open heart (and it is always a heart issue).  You may not agree with someone on any given issue but that does not mean that you cannot respectfully discuss.  I like to hear another person’s perspective because it is through listening that I can learn not

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Daily Inspiration-Only A Heartbeat Away…

Do you ever feel you will never see the light of day?  Circumstances can readily overwhelm even the strongest among us.  Never lose hope for the dawn will come.  Things will shift.  

Stay ever close in your relationship with the Lord.  Consistently pray a mighty hedge of protection around yourself, your loved ones and your relationship with God.  Consistently put on the whole armor of God, praying always with all prayer and supplication in the Spirit for others.  Plead the blood of Jesus over all you

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Daily Inspiration-Who Are You?

Once you know who you are in Christ, no one can manipulate you! 

If you do not know, purpose today to diligently seek Him.  He stands at the door of your heart (for it is always a heart issue) and knocks.  Listen for His still small voice.  Open the door and let Him into your life.  If you choose to do this and truly follow Him, your life will never be the same.

So many choose not to follow Jesus as they fear their

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Daily Inspiration-What Do You Do “Unto Others?”

Many people may call you friend in this life but a true and faithful friend is a rare gift indeed.  Throughout my life people have said to me, “You have a lot of friends.”  Actually, I know a lot of people but in reality I count very few as friends.

A friend is there through the ups and downs.  A friend may see your shortcomings but comes along side of you anyway.  A friend prays you up and covers you at all times.  A friend does not share your personal information or anything you have shared with them.  My motto

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Daily Inspiration-Do Not Offend-Mend!

Do Not Offend-Mend! 

There is so much offense and division today on every level.  Division is a burgeoning split that threatens our homes, our relationships, our communities, our country and the world.  Most importantly, a divisive spirit can reside in your heart, for in the end, it is always a heart issue.

As followers of Jesus Christ we are called to “love one another.”  This may sound easy enough at face value.  But sadly, if you follow the news today it is hard to see this being played out.  Do not let what is going on around you be discouraging. 

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Daily Inspiration-The Restoration of Brokenness

Yesterday I was speaking with a single mom on the phone.  She walked into the kitchen to find a broken dish with orange slices all over the floor as her young son ran out of the room.  She called him back to her.  He came crying saying it was an accident.  She asked if he was OK.  Through his little tears he said yes.  She then hugged him and said, “We can get another dish but I cannot get another you. There is only one you! I am happy you are safe.”

I could not help but think that this

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Daily Inspiration-“Now It Happened…”

Miracles happen in an instant.  Often there is no long lead in, just an instantaneous miraculous moment when all things shift.  Throughout the Bible God’s handiwork is prefaced by, “Now it happened…”

Believe in the ‘now.’  Believe in the possibility of ‘it happened,’ whatever ‘it’ may be in your life.  Your struggle may be health related, relationship centered, financial or employment focused.

Whatever ‘it’ may be for you, know that God is bigger than all you see around you.  He sees your entire situation, far beyond what you can think or imagine.  He sees exactly what you need (not to

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