Daily Inspiration-“A House Divided…”

There is so much division swirling around today in our country and in the world.  We appear divided on every front…race, creed, political proclivity, etc.  I cannot help but think that corporate division manifests as we allow division into our heart and into our individual lives.  It starts with each of us.

If you follow Christ you are called to love one another.  That does not necessarily mean that you will like everyone but you are called to love them.  Seems confusing, doesn’t it?  Let’s go a bit deeper.  This includes loving yourself and those in your own household.


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Daily Inspiration-Fractured Through Life Experiences?

Differences can divide.  If your heart has been fractured through life experiences, you may see only division in difference. In the end, it is always a heart issue.

Perhaps look at differences as opportunities to learn to respect another even if not just like you.  After all, wouldn’t life be really boring if we were all the same?  Open your heart.  Change your attitude to one of unity despite difference.

Let the Lord heal your wounds.  He is faithful to rescue and protect those who acknowledge Him.  Allow God’s grace to wash over you and heal every broken place.  

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Daily Inspiration-Do Not Offend-Mend!

Do Not Offend-Mend! 

There is so much offense and division today on every level.  Division is a burgeoning split that threatens our homes, our relationships, our communities, our country and the world.  Most importantly, a divisive spirit can reside in your heart, for in the end, it is always a heart issue.

As followers of Jesus Christ we are called to “love one another.”  This may sound easy enough at face value.  But sadly, if you follow the news today it is hard to see this being played out.  Do not let what is going on around you be discouraging. 

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Daily Inspiration-A Gift Beyond Measure


If you have a friend

You can count on

Through thick and thin,

Consider yourself


In these times

Of much division,

The unity of friendship

Is a gift

Beyond measure.

SEEK:  Stay Equipped, Empowered, Kingdom focused!  ©

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The Great Divide

Division Breaks God's Heart 1

A House Divided Will Not Stand

Have you noticed how much division is swirling around the atmosphere these days?  You expect the world to be divisional, don’t you?  The world is manipulated by the enemy so strife and division are expected.  But, the body of Christ, if truly submitted to the Lord, would not be operating under divisional spirits.  Instead, the Holy Spirit would be affecting the atmosphere in each individual heart (it is always a heart issue) and circumcising each heart to beat more in accord with the Savior’s heart.  As individual healed hearts come together in the fullness … Read the rest

Is Your Heart Fractured by Division?

Fractured heart

Does Your Heart Beat With

Division or Unity?

As you read or hear of current events each day there is division everywhere.  Our country is divided on seemingly every issue to include socio-economic, racial, political, sexual orientation and the list goes on.  What is most troubling to me is the stark division within the body of Christ.

Christian division is global with one denomination pitted against another.  Even within denominations there is strife.  Worse yet is that within individual churches division reigns where hearts are cold to the teachings of Jesus.  Being able to quote Scripture without living it is … Read the rest

When Storm Clouds Loom in Life

storm clouds

The Power of the Lord Breaks

Every Stronghold!

Today marks the official beginning of the autumn season.  Autumn signifies the end of summer.  It marks conclusion with an eye toward winter when much seemingly lies dormant.  It is a time of turning inward.  Crops are harvested and brought in for consuming and storing for sustenance in the months ahead.  This is also a time of gathering storm clouds and fall weather threats.  We have been witnessing the ravaging floods in Colorado and other natural devastation brought on by changing weather patterns.

Can You See the Clouds?

There are clouds of … Read the rest

What Do You See?

The Healing Dandelion

Do You Only See On The Surface?

Look To The Depth For Beauty And Healing

How wonderful to be starting May and looking forward to summer gatherings with family and friends.  Flowers are blooming with abandon in my gardens.  The colors are stunningly intense.  I am at awe at what God does with His spring palette.  Take some time to look at a flower and see how it is intricately fashioned.  Many different hues can make up a single bloom and each one is different from the rest.  The majesty of God is surely visible in the garden!

A Weed Read the rest