Down the Drain!

Down the Drain

Do You Ever Feel As If Your Life

 Is Going Down the Drain?

If you watch water go down a drain it can sometimes make a swiftly moving funnel. What was a full calm sink of water now becomes a rapid release of all.  Once full, now empty.  It can happen instantaneously or progressively.  So it can be with the ebb and flow of life.  Some changes and seasons arrive in an instant while others come in so gradually as to be hardly noticed.  What seemed full is now empty.

Without a close walk with the Lord life changes can … Read the rest

Cultivate Your Story

Your Story

What Are You Writing
Each Day With Your Story?


Have you ever thought of your life as a story?  If you have chosen to make Jesus the Lord of your life you are the child of a King.  You are the child of not just any King but the King of kings and the Lord of lords!  With such a royal lineage are you aware that the way you live your life is being observed by all around you?   Even other royal children are watching.  Those outside of His court are also quite aware.  What are you writing?


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Soar Above the Clouds

Soar Above the Clouds

Let the Wind of the Holy Spirit

Raise You Above the Clutter of the World

This morning as I spent some much needed quiet time with the Lord I sat on my deck looking toward the mountain in the not so distant horizon.  It was a beautiful, sunny morning with just the right breeze to cool off the Southern summer morning.  As I looked up I watched a bevy of creatures flying around.  There were butterflies, birds, bees and large beetles all moving swiftly. Miraculously, they did not collide with one another.  The beetles were most numerous and on occasion … Read the rest

God Bless America-#Pray for America

God Bless America

Pray for America

July 4 & Always

As we approach the July 4 celebration of our Nation’s inception take a moment to consider just a few of this past week’s events in America.

-The senate enacted the nationwide same sex marriage ruling.  Same sex marriage is now legal in all states despite an individual state’s beliefs or desires.  In response the White House was awash in the rainbow colors of the LGBT (Lesbian, Gay, Bi-Sexual or Transgender) movement.  “Tonight, the White House was lit to demonstrate our unwavering commitment to progress and equality, here in America and around the world. Read the rest

Warriors in the Wilderness

Warriors in the Wilderness

If The Lord Took A Census Today

Where Would You Be Counted?

The Book of Numbers recounts the wilderness wanderings of the children of Israel.  The wilderness experience was caused by unbelief and disobedience.  It was a period of testing and maturation to learn to trust and fully depend on God.  What should have been an eleven day journey took the Israelites forty years.  While the Israelites were wandering in the wilderness the Lord told Moses to take a census to include “…all who were able to go to war.”  He was counting and raising up warriors in the wilderness.… Read the rest

Do You Keep God In A Box?

God in a Box

Now is the Time to Reconsider

Your Perception of God

When you think of God how do you perceive Him?  Do you have God in a box?  Is He in a black box of unfathomable mystery?  Or do you place Him in a soft white box where He resides on a cloud somewhere?  Maybe your God shaped box is of majestic purple signifying untouchable royalty.  Perhaps you have God in a beige box-benign-not often considered.  Or is the box you have God in a multi-sided rich burgundy to be opened only on various occasions?

Placing God in a box places … Read the rest

#Pray for America- Rising As Incense

Rising As Incense

Let Your Holy Prayer
Be Filled With Spirit and Truth

Living in the mountains I often see a morning mist rising up toward heaven. It seems to cover the land until the sun burns it away for the day. Seeing this reminds me of King David’s desire to have his prayer come before God as incense. The mountain mist appears as if incense rising. In it I see the prayers of the faithful coming together and rising as incense to the throne room of God.

King David wanted his prayer to be ‘set’ before the Lord. His heart’s desire … Read the rest

Where Is Your Heart?

the heart of prayer

 Align Your Heart

With the Heart of Jesus

While walking early one morning in my neighborhood I came upon a beautiful group of trees.  The trees are small with heart shaped leaves.  The leaves come forth in early spring as a brilliant crimson/red and as they grow they deepen in color.  The veins in each leaf are so visible.  I share the picture I took with you to see that the leaf in front is bright and followed closely by the others.  I could not help but think of the heart of Jesus being followed by the hearts of His … Read the rest

#Pray for America-Proud To Be An American!

Vote! Let Freedom Ring

Freedom Comes

With Great Cost

As you gather with family and friends over this Memorial Day weekend, remember those who gave all in service to our country.  On Memorial Day we in the United States of America honor the memory of our fallen throughout the history of our Nation.  These brave men and women paid the ultimate price to keep this land free.  Pray for all the families who grieve the loss of their loved one who served this great Nation.

The Ultimate Sacrifice

Jesus Christ made the ultimate sacrifice of His earthly life on the cross for you.  There … Read the rest

#Pray for America-Emerge a Better Person


Open Yourself To

His Timing

As spring emerges you can see so many of God’s floral creations appear one by one to enrich the landscape.  I could not help but wonder how do you emerge from a long winter season?  Do you surface with the newness of the hope that the fresh season offers?  Do you emerge a better person for the experience of winter?


In the winter in the natural all seemingly perishes.  On the surface nature wilts and ultimately dies.  What was passes away from your immediate vision.  Yet underneath the ground as perennial as the grass … Read the rest