Please Join Me in Prayer for the Coming Week!

This week marks the beginning of the Advent season. Derived from the Latin word adventus which means coming, the next weeks are spent in anticipation of commemoration of the birth of the Messiah. As Christians we also wait for the second coming of Jesus Christ to earth.
As I was writing this morning my iPad began to play Could We Start Again, Please from the 20th Anniversary London Cast Recording of Jesus Christ Superstar. This has never happened before in the countless hours I have spent online. As I … Read the rest
Tomorrow we celebrate Veteran’s Day in the United States of America. This day is set aside to honor those who have served and continue to serve in our Armed Forces to keep us free. The freedoms that we currently enjoy on a daily basis are ours because of their sacrifices. Some have paid the ultimate sacrifice of their life, others have lost limbs and still others have scars not readily visible.
The war has not ended for countless men and women who have returned home with daily trials we cannot begin to imagine … Read the rest
Today marks the official beginning of the autumn season. Autumn signifies the end of summer. It marks conclusion with an eye toward winter when much seemingly lies dormant. It is a time of turning inward. Crops are harvested and brought in for consuming and storing for sustenance in the months ahead. This is also a time of gathering storm clouds and fall weather threats. We have been witnessing the ravaging floods in Colorado and other natural devastation brought on by changing weather patterns.
Can You See the Clouds?
There are clouds of … Read the rest
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