Fill The Bowl!


 Blessings!  Did you remember to set your clocks ahead last night?   The term ‘spring forward’ always amused me as we actually lose an hour of sleep.  I don’t know about you but losing that hour can take the spring out of your step until your body adjusts!  The good news is that spring is well on the way and brings a season of new growth and renewed hope.  Life seems just a little bit better when flowers begin to bloom and the earth comes alive with the smells and sounds of nature.  God’s palate of color far … Read the rest

Do You Trust Him Enough?

Trusting this finds you moving forward in 2012 with a commitment to set your life in order and rise above any past impediments, issues, mistakes.  The past is over so do not stay there in any capacity that would hinder you from living the present to the fullest.  Sometimes we are so enmeshed in past patterns of behavior and thinking that no longer serve us that we are unable to move forward in our life.  We can stay stuck if we are not careful to seek His wisdom and discernment about His plan for us, trust what that plan is … Read the rest


     Life is challenging to say the least and in these times we as Americans face many issues that tax our lives. I have spent the last seven years of my life researching and praying that each of us will be healed and able to come together with the grace of God to heal our land. …And I Will Heal Their Land is a book written to encourage, inspire, lead and direct you to reach the fullness of destiny in life.         

     Written from a Kingdom perspective this book rises above the rules and mere drudgery of religion to a place Read the rest