The Gift of Relationship

Relationship Cherry Blossoms

A Relationship Is A Gift

That Can Blossom In Beauty

The beauty of relationship can weather many storms and remain strong.  Relationship can grow as both delicate and rooted.  In looking at pictures of the National Cherry Blossom Festival I could not help but think of relationship.  Over 3,000 cherry trees were sent to the United States from the people in Japan as a gift of friendship in 1912.  On the northern bank of the Tidal Basin two of those original trees stand today.  They were planted by First Lady Taft and Viscountess Chinda, the wife of the Japanese Ambassador.  … Read the rest

Do You Dwell In Duplicity?


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Seek: Stay Equipped, Empowered, Kingdom focused! 

I pray this finds you well and prospering.  A concept that kept surfacing for me all week is hypocrisy.  I have spent some time pondering hypocrisy and the fruit thereof in one’s life.  The dictionary gives insincerity, pretense, duplicity, two-faced, falseness, unfaithfulness and double minded as synonyms of hypocrisy.

What is Your Life Worth?

Job 27:8 says, “For what is the hope of the hypocrite, though he may gain much, if God takes away his life [KJV soul]?”  This reading was my first and profound encounter … Read the rest

How Do You Maintain The Net?


Seek: Stay Equipped, Empowered, Kingdom focused! 

Can you believe that we are entering the last week of February already?  When you hear that time is sped up believe that it is so.  Do you ever remember such a swirl of happenings as we see daily in the news?  In your lifetime do you remember such recurrent cataclysmic weather events?  Now is certainly the time to walk ever close to Jesus and let Him guide your every step.

How Long Have You Toiled?

What better time than the Lenten season to “launch out … Read the rest

Who Has Your Heart?

A Lenten Reflection

This week will see a flurry of retail activity to try to make Valentine’s Day a memorable one for those we love.  To really be unforgettable to our loved ones is to be in the spirit of a generous heart all year long.  Having a generous heart means walking in love.  “Love…bears all things, believes all things, hopes all things, endures all things.  Love never fails.”  (1 Corinthians 13:7-8a)   Read that a few times.  Notice the word all.  This means despite the words spoken or the circumstances that do not go exactly as we would script them.  … Read the rest

A Grace Filled Heart

Seek: Stay Equipped, Empowered, Kingdom focused!

The American Heart Association has named February National Heart Month. Valentine’s Day images appear replete with hearts.  As we enter February what better time to check your heart condition!  What goes on in the depths of your heart will be reflected in your everyday relationships.  It is always a heart issue.

Healthy or Toxic?

If you are forgiving and understanding of others your relationships will flourish.  There will be issues from time to time but they will be quickly resolved from an open heart.  Make sure your … Read the rest

Time for a Vision Check?

Seek: Stay Equipped, Empowered, Kingdom focused!          

As we enter this last week of January I pray that you have been able to strengthen your foundation in the Lord.  The first month is so important to set the tone for the year ahead.  Maintaining a solid relationship with Jesus makes all things possible for those who believe.

 How is Your Vision?

At the beginning of each year we discuss vision.  I believe this subject bears review at least once a year in every believer’s walk. Sometimes in life your vision can become clouded or

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The Inauguration of Solitary Prayer


 Seek: Stay Equipped, ,Empowered, Kingdom focused!  

I pray this finds you well and settling in to the rhythm of 2013.  Today is Inauguration Day in the United States of America.  The Inauguration ceremony marks the beginning of the Presidential term of office.  To inaugurate is to initiate or ordain a new order within the White House.  This first month is a perfect time for each of us to begin anew and to set our own house in order for the coming season.

Make Every Day ‘A Day to Pray’Read the rest

Revolutionize Your New Year’s Resolutions!


Blessings this second Sunday in January!  Have you honed in on what tone you are setting for 2013 during this first month?  The first month is so important as it is full of promise and expectation for the coming year.  Don’t just ‘resolutionize’ your plan with time worn resolutions you have never kept.  This year ‘revolutionize’ your focus.  Establish and set a Kingdom-centered plan for 2013 that will shift you from worldly drudgery to Godly unction.

Temple Maintenance

Am I saying not to set any goals to maintain a healthy weight, get enough sleep and exercise regularly?  … Read the rest

A Guaranteed Weight Loss Program


Blessings as we move into the first month of 2013.  January marks the first fruits of the year.  How we begin this year will affect the next eleven months. What is your plan?  What is your vision?  Where does God fit in your life this year?

Do You Need to Lose Weight?

The number one New Year resolution is weight loss.  Usually by the end of the first month most have abandoned this lofty goal.  Consider a different kind of weight loss:  the weight of the world.  What if you could lose the weight of every day … Read the rest

The Dawn of the New Year


We stand at the threshold of the New Year.  If events of the passing year have knocked you down and left you seated determine to stand.   Now is the time to let go of the pain and disappointment of 2012.  Prepare to go forward into a season bright with possibility and hope for the future.  Although the landscape of your life may have changed in ways you would not have chosen know that God is with you and He has His hand on your life.

You Are Not Alone

Jesus assures us in Matthew 28:20b, “…and Read the rest