Maturity is not a given with numerical age. Wisdom is not necessarily something that comes with the passage of years. To grow beyond yourself is surely a start.
See the needs of others. Be a blessing.
Instead of chasing after things, seek the Lord’s wisdom for your life. Let Him work in you and through you for the glory of His Kingdom “for such a time as this!”
For it is written:
“If any of you lacks wisdom, let him ask of God, Who gives to all liberally and without reproach, and it will be given to him.”
God does not forget His promises. They are Yes and Amen!
Your mission, should you choose to accept it, is to hold fast to the profession of your faith. Your mission, should you choose to accept it, is to believe without doubt. Your mission, should you choose to accept it, is to trust Him despite what you may see around you.
The Kingdom of God operates quite differently from the natural flow of things. What looks like mission impossible in the natural is totally possible with God!
Are you living in abundance? Jesus came to give you life more abundantly. Sadly, many think this simply means the abundance of earthly things such as money, big cars, fame, a big house or material things.
The abundance He speaks of includes the indwelling of the Holy Spirit which produces the fruit of love, joy, peace, patience, kindness, goodness, faithfulness. The abundance He speaks of softens your heart (for it is always a heart issue) and lets His compassion flow through you to others. His abundance is most notable in being able to rest in His peace despite what is
Many are consumed with things they have heard, read or been taught. They sadly have lost the ability to be open to anything new that does not fit into the box of their comfort zone. Being so restrained can keep you imprisoned emotionally, physically and spiritually.
Jesus came to set free those held captive within the confines of religious doctrine or words spoken over them. If you are living bound by the doctrine or words of man on any level, seek Him. So many live far beneath what Jesus died to give His followers.
When I was a little girl my Mom made us matching candy cane aprons. It was so special wearing my matching apron. Over countless years this apron was worn from Thanksgiving through New Year’s. Many a Christmas cookie was designed and baked wearing this little apron.
As I hung it up this year I remembered all the wonderful holidays with my family. Although they are no longer here they live in my heart.
May you and yours make and cherish Christmas memories.