There are people and circumstances that can have a profound effect on you. If that effect is not positive, release it. Learn from them and the experience. Hold them in prayer. Release them with a clear heart (for it is always a heart issue) and move on with your life.
If the effect is positive, cherish it. Pray for them. What you let into your heart will have a profound impact on your life! Appreciate the good in your life. Be thankful of heart. For whatever is taking place right now in your life, there is always good.
To be able to ultimately find joy in the moment despite your circumstances is a gift that is readily available to you! Diligently seek the Lord. Let His Holy Spirit overflow in your spirit and outward in your life to bless others.
Remember, the fruit of the Spirit in you includes love, joy, peace, patience, kindness, goodness, faithfulness, gentleness and self-control. To yield such in your life you have to choose to put Him first. Let Him lead, direct and guide your steps every minute of every day.
After a long conversation about God, the world, salvation and heaven, someone said to me, “You are a very strong woman!” Through faith in Jesus Christ I do have the assurance of things hoped for, the conviction of things not seen. (Hebrews 11:1) In the natural I have many frailties to be sure but through Christ I do have strength.
That very same strength is available to you if you choose to fully follow Him. Let Him be your strength in every circumstance.
For it is written:
“My grace is sufficient for you, for My strength is made perfect in
We are each fearfully and wonderfully made with a unique God given destiny. Do not judge another because their journey does not look like yours. It is not supposed to be the same.
Concentrate on what God has for you. Keep your heart clear (for it is always a heart issue). Let Him work through you in His own way and in His own timing. He knows you better than you think you know yourself. Therefore, His plan far exceeds all you could think or imagine!
Have you ever had someone who knows you well repeatedly ask you things to which they already know the answer? Or, they may continue to try to involve you in situations you have absolutely no interest in doing or simply should not even be considering. Not bad things, just events where you choose not to spend your time or situations in which you are not called to participate. These are just a few examples. The list is lengthy and can escalate.
These are manifestations of toxic behavior. It is disrespectful of you. It is rude at the very basic level.
Do not step into battles you are not meant to fight. For in so doing you can be taken out if wounded in those superfluous battles. Choose wisely before you engage. There are some battles you are called to but certainly not every single skirmish that presents itself.
Walk away from all disruptive spirits and situations to which you are not called. For with each such encounter you lose a piece of yourself. Your joy and peace are chipped away. Your heart corrodes (for it is always a heart issue) while doing little to theirs for that is where they
Do you continually set up and stir up circumstances that keep you in a swirl of drama? Know that the constant stress for you and those around you is unhealthy on every level.
Step back. Think first. Then step up.
For it is written:
“A soft answer turns away wrath, but a harsh word stirs up anger. The tongue of the wise uses knowledge rightly, but the mouth of fools pours forth foolishness.”
Have you ever had a power outage that affects all communication? Where I live was hit by lightning several days ago and it affected internet, TV and phone and in some cases electric power. Crews are still working to bring many back up to full service. I am not a huge internet user or TV watcher but I must say when all access is cut off I realized how much I actually research online. During the storm my TV and cable were fried and part of the main fuse box was hit. Normally I would just Google the situation and
Feeling weak? Feeling weary? The joy of the Lord is your strength. Know that. Seek Him.
Start, build, and cherish a relationship with Him. Wherever you are in your journey, it is never too late. Cultivate and strengthen your relationship with Him.
Listen for His still small voice. Follow His direction rather than the ways of the world. Through close relationship you will walk in His joy and in His strength. Pump up!
For it is written:
“This day is holy to the Lord your God; do not mourn nor weep…for this day is holy to our Lord. Do not