Tag Archives: prayforthepeaceofJerusalem
Daily Inspiration-It Is Never Too Late!
Over the last two weeks several people in my life have passed away. Whether expected or suddenly, death is so very final. There are no more conversations. There are no more connections.
You never know the time that you or another will pass away. Pettiness, anger, resentment, bitterness and the like are such a waste of your time. They are a detriment to your heart (and it is always a heart issue). If you have any unsettled issues with someone, do your best, within reason, to bring resolution. If that is not possible person to person then clear your own
… Read the restShort Takes…
Dear Warriors,For those of you who are not on certain Social Media sites, I publish short takes every day. Below are the takes for August. I pray they bless you and keep you striving toward a full Kingdom walk ‘for such a time as this!’Have a blessed Labor Day!MicheleAugust 2017There is an open heaven over some people right now. Walk in it!Consider your choices wisely for out of them will unfold the rest of your life.There is power in the simplicity of kindness, however small it may appear. For the recipient it could |