Daily Inspiration-The Challenge of Respect…

We are each unique.  Choose to respect each other’s individuality. Do not attack someone simply because they do not speak, dress, or look just like you.  Respect their individuality as you would want them to respect yours.

 Challenge yourself to stay on the narrow road of integrity.   Challenge yourself to take the high road with every opportunity.  Stay focused on what God has for you and where He is leading you rather than looking at and judging another.   As much as possible, live in peace with one another.

For it is written:

 “Judge not, and you shall not be judged.

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Short Takes…


Dear Warriors,

For those of you who are not on certain Social Media sites, I publish “Short Takes” every day.   Below are the takes for last week.  Also are included links to short posts “From the Archives of Esther’s Warriors Ministry.”   I pray they bless you  and keep you striving toward a full Kingdom walk ‘for such a time as this!’

God Bless,


How’s your “love walk?”  It is never too late to turn it around.  Start today!  🙂

Bottom Line:  “Love one another as I have loved you.”  Love,  Jesus

It is never too late to say you

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Daily Inspiration-Sometimes His Answer Is-“Wait!”

Sometimes in life, things are so pressing that you lose your sense of humor about everything.  Being able to laugh in the face of adversity is truly a gift.  We all have moments that we lose our focus and joie de vivre.  Just do not park there and take up permanent residence.

God is able to restore.  God is able to heal.  God is able to renew.

Be open to His lead and direction. In this microwave time we live in, it is easy to want everything in an instant.  What we want and what we truly need are often

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Daily Inspiration-Which “Whosoever” Are You?

For it is written:

“Then said Jesus to His disciples, “If any man will come after Me, let him deny himself, and take up his cross, and follow me.  For whosoever will save his life shall lose it: and whosoever will lose his life for My sake shall find it.”

Matthew 16:24-25

This scripture trips up many because they want to live with one foot in the Kingdom of God and one still in the world.  To truly follow Jesus you have to completely turn your life and all it entails over to Him.  Many can verbally express that Jesus

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Daily Inspiration-The Appointed Time!

Are you discouraged?  Have you held on to a vision for a very long time?  Do you wonder if you heard clearly so very long ago?

 It can be easy to limit your sight to what you see right in front of you.  It can be easy to let the spirit of defeat weigh down your own spirit.   Do not go there even for a moment as that can take you on a downward spiral.  Bring every thought captive at the onset! 

Lift up your eyes from where you stand.  Enlarge your scope beyond what you think you see in

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Daily Inspiration-The Time Is Near!

In reading the Bible this morning I came across a scripture that I want to share with you.

For it is written:

 “Blessed is he who reads and those who hear the words of this prophecy, and keep those things which are written in it; for the time is near.”

Revelation 1:3

First and foremost, the promise of God is blessing to those who read this book of the Bible.

Second, not only must you read the words but also hear them.  Head knowledge alone is insufficient.  Recitation alone is insufficient.  To hear them is to let them go

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Short Takes…


Dear Warriors,

For those of you who are not on certain Social Media sites, I publish “Short Takes” every day.   Below are the takes for last week.  Also are included links to short posts “From the Archives of Esther’s Warriors Ministry.”   I pray they bless you  and keep you striving toward a full Kingdom walk ‘for such a time as this!’

God Bless,


If you are “earthly” you will simply perpetuate the earth on the earth.  Choose to carry Kingdom to earth as it is in heaven!

Called, chosen, anointed “for such a time as this.”  Step up those

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Daily Inspiration-Everywhere You Step…

Never give up.  New opportunities open up daily.   Miracles happen every day.  Stay focused.  Stay positive.

Never let negativity overtake you.  Stop it at the door of your heart.  It is always a heart issue so be diligent to guard your heart every moment.  Take every thought captive that would take you away from your Kingdom walk.

As a Kingdom ambassador, everywhere you step you should be bringing the Kingdom of God to earth as it is in heaven.   Stay focused.  This is the season.  You are here “for such a time as this!”  Do not miss it.

For it

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Daily Inspiration-Keep Your Life Simple!

You know those people who get all involved in other people’s lives and business?  Decide not to be that person.  Keep your life simple.  Focus on your own walk and that of those you are responsible to lead and guide.  Leave the rest to God for only He fully sees their heart, motives and situation.

You only see an infinitesimal portion of any situation.  To think you know it all from that very narrow vantage point is to operate from a perspective of pride at its fullest.  Stay out of it.  Judge not.  Work out your own salvation!

For it

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Daily Inspiration-Do You Live In Uncertainty?

Do you live in uncertainty?  Uncertainty can stop or at least slow your momentum toward breakthrough.  Uncertainty can become a setback.

The level or depth of setback is directly correlated to the extent you let the uncertainty lead you.  Do you simply question whether or not God can set your situation right?  Or, do you go down the trail to despair?  Do you fully give up, looking only at what you see around you?  Or, do you simply park in your situation and complain about it and everyone around you?  Think about it.  This is where faith and trust come

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