#Pray for America-Vote!

Vote! Let Freedom Ring

Let Freedom Ring!


Did you remember to turn your clocks back today?  ‘Fall back, spring ahead,’ was the phrase I learned as a child to remember which way to turn the clocks in which season.  This week the clocks ‘fall back.’

Step Up and Vote!

In the United States we also have the privilege to vote this week.  Do not ‘fall back.’  Make sure to get out and vote.  Our country cannot afford to fall any further away from God or the Christian ideals upon which we were founded.  Read the quotes below from the Constitution and the Declaration … Read the rest

#Pray for America-Please Join Us As We ‘Pray the States!’-Nebraska


‘Pray the States’

In Esther’s Warriors Ministry we are ‘praying the states’ for healing for our Nation.  Just as Queen Esther went before the king to intercede for her people, so we go before the King to intercede for our Nation ‘for such a time as this’ (Esther 4:14).  We pray weekly by state in the order of admission to the Union.  Our Nation now more than ever needs consistent, diligent prayer cover state by state.

Each state is important in forming our … Read the rest

#Pray for America-Please Join Us As We ‘Pray the States!’ Nevada


‘Pray the States’

In Esther’s Warriors Ministry we are ‘praying the states’ for healing for our Nation.  Just as Queen Esther went before the king to intercede for her people, so we go before the King to intercede for our Nation ‘for such a time as this’ (Esther 4:14).  We pray weekly by state in the order of admission to the Union.  Our Nation now more than ever needs consistent, diligent prayer cover state by state.

Each state is important in forming our … Read the rest

Is It Time To Clean Your Temple?

Clean Your Temple

What Is Going On

In Your Temple?

We are all familiar with the story of Jesus cleansing the temple of the money changers. Jesus went into the actual temple of His day to cleanse it of all that had been allowed to enter and defile it.  As we are now the temple of the Holy Spirit we are also responsible to ensure that we remain cleansed of anything that may defile God’s house.

Whose Business Are You About?

First, He drove out those who bought and sold.  What do you buy and sell in your temple?  Do you merchandise the … Read the rest

#Pray for America-Please Join Us As We ‘Pray the States!’ West Virginia


‘Pray the States’

In Esther’s Warriors Ministry we are ‘praying the states’ for healing for our Nation.  Just as Queen Esther went before the king to intercede for her people, so we go before the King to intercede for our Nation ‘for such a time as this’ (Esther 4:14).  We pray weekly by state in the order of admission to the Union.  Our Nation now more than ever needs consistent, diligent prayer cover state by state.

Each state is important in forming our … Read the rest

What Do You Hear and Follow?

Word of God

God’s Word Or

The Words of the World?

As we move swiftly into the 2014 fall season, much is happening in the world.  With vast technology; instant graphic news reporting; air travel that can swiftly move people and disease from nation to nation, the world gets smaller at a rapid pace.  Jihad based beheading and the Ebola virus have now reached the shores of the United States of America.  As the moral fiber of our country continues to unravel at a mind boggling rate, what are you hearing?

Faith Cancels Fear

If you focus only on the media you will … Read the rest

#Pray for America- Please Join Us As We ‘Pray The States!’ Oregon


‘Pray the States’

In Esther’s Warriors Ministry we are ‘praying the states’ for healing for our Nation.  Just as Queen Esther went before the king to intercede for her people (Esther 4:14), so we go before the King to intercede for our Nation.  We pray weekly by state in the order of admission to the Union.  Our Nation now more than ever needs consistent, diligent prayer cover state by state.

Each state is important in forming our United States of America.

We commit … Read the rest

Are You All In?

All In

Are You a Surface Dweller or

A Friend of God?

I pray this finds you well and prospering!  This past week our Jewish brothers and sister celebrated their New Year feast of Rosh Hashanah.   Called the Feast of Trumpets, it begins with the blowing of the shofar to call all to a time of renewal and repentance.  The High Holy Days begin with Rosh Hashanah and end at the culmination of Yom Kippur, The Day of Atonement.  This is a time of reflection to look over the past year and repent.  The primary repentance is of course to the Lord.  … Read the rest

Please Join Us As We ‘Pray the States!’ Oregon


Pray the States

In Esther’s Warriors Ministry we are ‘praying the states’ for healing for our Nation.  Just as Queen Esther went before the king to intercede for her people (Esther 4:14), so we go before the King to intercede for our Nation.  We pray weekly by state in the order of admission to the Union.  Our Nation now more than ever needs consistent, diligent prayer cover state by state.

Each state is important in forming our United States of America.

We commit … Read the rest

What Does Your Harvest Look Like?


Is Your Harvest

Positively Plentiful or Woefully Deplete?

In this season of harvest you can find a plethora of colorful flowers and produce yielding wonderful additions to your home and table.  What was planted months ago and faithfully tended to has come forth in richness of color and the fullness of God’s design.  What a blessed season to partake visually and physically of the bounty of harvest.

I could not help but think what is the harvest of your heart?  Make no mistake; what you plant in your heart will produce a harvest.  It is a personal choice with each … Read the rest