Please Join Us As We “Pray the States!”-Pennsylvania-“For Such a Time as This!” Esther 4:14


“For Such a Time as This!”

Esther 4:14

Pray for the United States of America

‘Pray the States!’

In Esther’s Warriors Ministry, we began in 2012 ‘praying the states’ for healing for our Nation.   Queen Esther went before the king to intercede for her people.    We go before The King to intercede for our Nation ‘for such a time as this’ (Esther 4:14).  We pray for each state in the order of admission to the Union and will continue.  Our Nation more than ever needs consistent, diligent prayer cover state by state.

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“Pray the States!”-Pennsylvania


Pray for the United States of America

‘Pray the States!’

In Esther’s Warriors Ministry, we began in 2012 ‘praying the states’ for healing for our Nation.   Queen Esther went before the king to intercede for her people.    We go before the King to intercede for our Nation ‘for such a time as this’ (Esther 4:14).  We pray for each state in the order of admission to the Union and will continue.  Our Nation more than ever needs consistent, diligent prayer cover state by state. 

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Please Join Us As We ‘Pray the States!’-Pennsylvania


Pray for America

‘Pray the States’  

In Esther’s Warriors Ministry we are ‘praying the states’ for healing for our Nation. Queen Esther went before the king to intercede for her people.    We go before the King to intercede for our Nation ‘for such a time as this’ (Esther 4:14).  We pray weekly by state in the order of admission to the Union.  Our Nation now more than ever needs consistent, diligent prayer cover state by state.

Each state is important in forming our … Read the rest

#Pray for America-Please Join Us As We ‘Pray the States!’-Pennsylvania

Pray‘Pray the States’

In Esther’s Warriors Ministry we are ‘praying the states’ for healing for our Nation.  Queen Esther went before the king to intercede for her people.    We go before the King to intercede for our Nation ‘for such a time as this’ (Esther 4:14).  We pray weekly by state in the order of admission to the Union.  Our Nation now more than ever needs consistent, diligent prayer cover state by state.

Each state is important in forming our United States of … Read the rest

Please Join Us As We ‘Pray the States’ Pennsylvania


‘Pray the States’

In Esther’s Warriors Ministry we are ‘praying the states’ for healing for our Nation.  We pray weekly by state in the order of admission to the Union.  Our Nation now more than ever needs consistent, diligent prayer cover state by state.

Each state is important in forming our United States of America. We commit to a different state each week so we not only provide prayer cover for that state but also to remind us that our country is bigger … Read the rest

Pray the States!


In Esther’s Warriors Ministry we are ‘praying the states.’   We pray weekly for each state in the order of admission to the Union.  Our Nation now more than ever needs consistent, diligent prayer cover state by state.  This week please cover Pennsylvania admitted to the Union December 12, 1787, in prayer.  Pray for wisdom and discernment for the political leaders, pastors and church leaders, the people residing in Pennsylvania and for all in our Nation.

Each state is important in forming our United States of America.  We commit to pray for a different state each week so … Read the rest

A Guaranteed Weight Loss Program


Blessings as we move into the first month of 2013.  January marks the first fruits of the year.  How we begin this year will affect the next eleven months. What is your plan?  What is your vision?  Where does God fit in your life this year?

Do You Need to Lose Weight?

The number one New Year resolution is weight loss.  Usually by the end of the first month most have abandoned this lofty goal.  Consider a different kind of weight loss:  the weight of the world.  What if you could lose the weight of every day … Read the rest