Daily Inspiration-Drain the Swamp!


There is talk these days

About ‘draining the swamp.’

I cannot help but think

What a great time

To ‘drain the swamp’

That may be encumbering your heart.

As 2016 comes to a close,

Really take an inventory

Of all negativity that you have allowed into your heart.

‘Drain the swamp’

Of bitterness, resentment, anger, unforgiveness

Before the New Year!

SEEK: Stay Equipped, Empowered, Kingdom focused! ©

Remember, it is always a heart issue!


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Write The Vision for 2016

The Vision

Put Away Last Year’s

Negativity and Angst

As 2015 draws to a close, take time this week to take one last look over your year.  As you put away Christmas decorations carefully release this past year.  It is over.  Whatever took place, whether good or bad, has ended.  You did your best.  If you did not, determine to do better in 2016.  As long as you are alive you can move forward.  You can think all is lost but that is never the case.  Year end is bittersweet.  Although it does signal the end of a period of time, it … Read the rest

Will Your New Year Be New Or More Of The Same Old?

Happy New Year

Let God Make Your New Year


Here we are once again on the precipice of a new year!  As 2014 draws to a close what do you envision for your 2015?  This past year may have been quite wonderful for you.  Perhaps it was most challenging. Despite whatever took place look for the blessings of 2014.  It is easy to focus on the negative in life.  So much negativity floods the news media daily.  You are bombarded with continuous updates of frightening happenings around the world.  This endless barrage of negative can cast a dark shadow on your life … Read the rest

Are You Ready for the New Year?

Happy New Year

Step into the New Year

With a Clean Heart!

In just a few days 2014 will begin a new year filled with opportunities and unknown gifts.  Resolutions are made with great intention and often abandoned in less than a month.  I read a statistic this morning that only 8% of New Year resolutions are kept.  Must admit this is much lower than I expected.  In the coming days there can be a holiday let down.  Weeks of planning, running to and fro, meals with family and friends come to a screeching halt.  Decorations are put away for another year and … Read the rest