He’s Got It, Let It Go!


I pray this finds you well and prospering in God’s perfect will for your life.   Spring has arrived and this year we are seeing record high temperatures in much of the country.  Weather patterns are shifting with unusual tornado activity in areas not thought of as part of ‘tornado alley.’  Please keep all in our Nation who are battling natural disasters and loss of loved ones in prayer for restoration and safety.

What exactly does God’s perfect will in your life look like?  There really is a difference between living in His permissive will or living in … Read the rest

Is God In Your Social Network?


May God’s blessing be upon you today and every day!  We are swiftly moving through the month of March and on toward Resurrection Sunday.  As we progress through the season of Lent how is your relationship with the Lord?  Have you purposed to spend more time with Him, read the Bible more, set aside prayer time to commune with His Spirit?

In our fast paced world we can easily diminish our time with Him and after a while that consecrated time can become a thing of the past without our even realizing it.  I watch people and … Read the rest

Fill The Bowl!


 Blessings!  Did you remember to set your clocks ahead last night?   The term ‘spring forward’ always amused me as we actually lose an hour of sleep.  I don’t know about you but losing that hour can take the spring out of your step until your body adjusts!  The good news is that spring is well on the way and brings a season of new growth and renewed hope.  Life seems just a little bit better when flowers begin to bloom and the earth comes alive with the smells and sounds of nature.  God’s palate of color far … Read the rest

Let Him In Your Boat As He Is!


Blessings on this last Sunday in February!  Can you believe we are already entering the month of March?  Time moves forward seemingly more rapidly in some seasons than others.  We talked last week about taking 40 days to reflect, meditate, pray, fast if you feel led as we press toward Resurrection Sunday.  How are you doing?  I find when I commit to setting aside extra time for spiritual matters I am often challenged with unexpected issues and circumstances.  How about you?  The good news is we have an extra day this month as it is leap year. … Read the rest

A Lenten Reflection


This week we celebrate President’s Day in honor of all Presidents
in our Nation’s history.  Who do you admire most as President?  A February 18, 2012, Gallup poll indicated that Ronald Reagan ranked number one.  In his inaugural address on January 21, 1985, he said, “May He continue to hold us close as we fill the world with our sound…one people under God, dedicated to the dream of freedom that He placed in the human heart, called upon now to pass that dream on to a waiting and hopeful world.”  May He continue to hold us close … Read the rest

Break Your Alabaster Flask


Blessings as we progress together through February.  I pray you are strengthening your trust in Him and what He has for you.  Tuesday is
Valentine’s Day which is a day so commercially set aside to promote feeling of love for those special in our lives.

Setting aside time to appreciate those we love is certainly important.  We are called to love another as we walk out our life on a daily basis.  Yes, it is nice to have a special day to celebrate our relationships, just don’t limit that celebration to February 14th!

Ever wonder … Read the rest

Do You Trust Him Enough?

Trusting this finds you moving forward in 2012 with a commitment to set your life in order and rise above any past impediments, issues, mistakes.  The past is over so do not stay there in any capacity that would hinder you from living the present to the fullest.  Sometimes we are so enmeshed in past patterns of behavior and thinking that no longer serve us that we are unable to move forward in our life.  We can stay stuck if we are not careful to seek His wisdom and discernment about His plan for us, trust what that plan is … Read the rest

Open The Door To Your Heart

I pray this finds you encouraged with the potential of the year that lies ahead as we come to the end of this first month.  The concept of first fruits means that what we do in the beginning profoundly affects what follows.  As what we hold in our heart (and it is always a heart issue) will manifest in our life it is critical that we check our heart  often and clear whatever does not line up with God’s best for us.  We have purposed this first month of 2012 to put God first in prayer and in reading the Read the rest

Aligning Your Heart Through Prayer

Blessings to you as we walk together through this first month of 2012 seeking God and His very best for us in the coming year.  Last week we looked at the low percentages of Christians who read their Bible.  I pray
that you felt moved to put time in the Word as a priority in your life.  In the season we are in in this country we must be washed in the Word.  Do not ever forget that in the armor of God the Word of God is the only offensive
weapon.  It is, “…the sword of the Spirit, which … Read the rest

We Hold This Truth To Set Us Free



I pray this finds you well and seeking the Lord in this first month of 2012.  Last week we discussed some things you can do to refocus and reorder your life to attain the fullness He died to give you.  To purpose to pray, to read the Bible, to forgive, and to work on your relationship with Him are crucial to having a victorious walk with Him on your life journey.  We each have desires of our hearts for this season.  Keep ever in your heart (and it
is always a heart issue) the words Jesus speaks to … Read the rest