Daily Inspiration-Carpe This Diem!


The light of dawn

Brings a chance

To start life afresh.

You can’t

Change yesterday

But you can

Build a better today.

SEEK:  Stay Equipped, Empowered, Kingdom focused!  ©

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The Kingdom Revolution

Kingdom (2)

Are You A

Kingdom Revolutionary?

I pray this finds you well and prospering!  We are almost at the halfway point in the year.  Often this is the time people look back at what their hopes were at the year’s beginning.  Perhaps you are not where you thought you would be by now.  Perhaps you are waiting for God to move in your situation. Perhaps you are wondering if or when God will shift the atmosphere of your circumstance.  Perhaps you just sit waiting and wondering what you must do.  You may ponder what you can do to “get it right” … Read the rest

Ever Feel You Are Out On A Limb?



Stay Tethered To The Lord

And The Climb Is Assured

I recently had a tree removed from my property and as I watched the young man scale the height of the tree I could not help but think of being out on a limb.  Have you ever felt as if you were out on a limb, balancing life ever so carefully lest you fall?

Stay Connected!

In the case of the tree professional, he tethered himself at each level of ascent as he balanced precariously on a limb or what was left of a limb.  There are times in … Read the rest