Daily Inspiration-Do Not Buy Into The Lie!


Never buy into the lie

That it is OK to talk about people.

Any discussion of someone else’s character

Or their personal business

Is gossip.


Just in case you missed it,

God considers gossip an abomination

(Proverbs 6:16-19).

He hates it.

Do not buy into the lie that gossip is OK.

Stay Equipped, Empowered, Kingdom focused!  ©

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Daily Inspiration-An Ordered Life


Keep your word.

Be on time.

Decline gossip.

Choose your friends wisely.

Live with integrity.

 An ordered life

Is a life of

Peace and serenity.

Remember, God is a God of order!

Stay Equipped, Empowered, Kingdom focused! ©


Constitution Week, 2016, Quote:  Amendment 1:  Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion, or prohibiting the free exercise thereof; or abridging the freedom of speech or of the press; or the right of the people peaceably to assemble, and to petition the Government for the redress of grievances.

Think about the strategic removal of the Ten Commandments and … Read the rest

Be Fabulous Today!

be fabulous today

Make Today

The Best Day of Your Life!

I have this plaque where I can see it every day.  It brings a smile to my face and reminds me to be my very best to those I encounter.  In sharing it with you I pray that you too will be fabulous in your home and to all you meet on each daily journey.

Who Do You Look Like?

In this season especially you are called to shine in an otherwise dark world.  How do you shine?  As a disciple of Jesus Christ your life should look more and more like … Read the rest

Daily Inspiration-Speak Life!



Serves nothing positive.

It is damaging

To others

And to your very spirit.

Eliminate it

From your life.

God bless your day!

SEEK:  Stay Equipped, Empowered, Kingdom focused!

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Is Your Life An Open Book?

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If Your Life Is An Open Book

What Will A Reader Learn?

God blessed me with a most wonderful experience this week that I would like to share with you.  A contractor came to my house to give me an estimate for some work I needed done and in the course of discussing the job he noticed a picture of the Holy Land in my garage.  That picture opened the door to a conversation of how the Lord is moving in each of our lives.  It was a Spirit led discussion that was so uplifting and edifying.  We ended by … Read the rest

What Is Fellowship?

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What Does Fellowship

Mean to You?

How often do you hear Christians talk about fellowship?  It is a term widely used to encourage church membership to “fellowship” with other believers.  To “fellowship” frequently includes sharing a meal with others.  Sadly, what should be an opportunity to encourage and edify each other often is simply an opportunity to gossip about anyone not present.  How can we all get back to the true meaning of fellowship to inspire one another to grow in faith and present Jesus to the world?

The Most Important Fellowship Of All!

1 John 1:3 says, “…truly our … Read the rest

The Facets of Fellowship


Many of us will have the luxury of a long weekend this week as our country celebrates Columbus Day.  It is also Thanksgiving Day in Canada.  I could not help but think how thankful we should be to live in this great Nation.  How often do you really stop and thank God that you live in the bastion of freedom?  Freedom is our heritage.  May God hear from heaven and heal our land that we will remain the city on the hill in the world landscape!

The Pattern for Fellowship

I have been a part of many … Read the rest