Daily Inspiration-Line It Up!

It is the most wonderful time of the year!  Have you noticed that people seem a little friendlier between Thanksgiving and Christmas?  There truly seems to be a “spirit of Christmas.”

This is also a time you can easily overdo.  With frayed nerves, you can live the next month stressed out and miss the real reason for Christmas.  Jesus is the greatest gift that you can give to anyone.  If you keep Him close in your heart and allow His heart of love and compassion to work through you, you will bring His peace to each situation you encounter.


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Daily Inspiration-It Is Never Too Late!

Over the last two weeks several people in my life have passed away.  Whether expected or suddenly, death is so very final.  There are no more conversations. There are no more connections.

You never know the time that you or another will pass away.  Pettiness, anger, resentment, bitterness and the like are such a waste of your time.  They are a detriment to your heart (and it is always a heart issue).  If you have any unsettled issues with someone, do your best, within reason, to bring resolution.  If that is not possible person to person then clear your own

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40 Days in the Gap-#Pray for the USA-Election 2016-Day 29-For Forgiveness


Day 29

Register and Vote!

Day 29 Prayer

Pray the Word

For Forgiveness

Father, we stand in one accord, raised up ‘for such a time as this,’ to war for God’s Kingdom and God’s people.  We come in agreement as we approach the 2016 Presidential Election that we heed Your counsel which stands forever.  Your word says “Greater love hath no man than this that a man lay down his life for his friends.” (John 15:13)   Father we thank You for the sacrifice of Jesus Christ who laid down His life for our salvation.

Thank You that when we repent … Read the rest

Daily Inspiration-Leave With Grace



Does not mean

To continue

Accepting poor behavior.

You can fully forgive

As you walk away

From toxic situations.

SEEK:  Stay Equipped, Empowered, Kingdom focused! ©

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Open Doors Begin With Open Hearts

Open heart

To Walk Through God’s Open Door

You Must First Open the Door to Your Heart

We talk about God opening doors and making a way where there is seemingly no way.  We are encouraged throughout Scripture that He does in fact open doors of healing, release and victory in every imaginable situation.  Are you waiting for a door to open?  Have you done all in your own strength to facilitate matters?  Have you long been seeking the Lord for His hand to open a door that can only be opened supernaturally by Him?

Release Opens The Way

Check your heart … Read the rest

Plant Forgiveness This Spring!

Heart of Forgiveness

Let Forgiveness Reign in Your Heart

Set Yourself Free!

Wishing a most joyful St Patrick’s Day to all the Irish and Irish at heart.  As a missionary to Ireland, Patrick was mightily used by God in the conversion of Ireland to Christianity.  His love of, total trust in and devotion to God was a powerful witness to the pagan Druids.  This has been a landmark week for the Roman Catholic Church with the election of Pope Francis.  I was most taken with a quote in which he said, “Jesus teaches us another way:  Go out.  Go out to share your … Read the rest