Father God, we come before You again at the start of this new week. We thank You for the life you have given each of us. Guide us to spend each minute in service to You for Your glory on earth as it is in Heaven.
Give us uncompromising faith to walk through every trial whether large or small, knowing that You prepare the way, stand beside us and bring up the rear guard.
Father God we come boldly before You this morning as we begin a new week.
Hedge us in with Your unending grace. Hedge us in with Your manifest protection. Hedge us in with Your all-encompassing love. Hedge us in with the depth of Your compassion.
As we walk through this week let us walk in Your ways. Keep us on the narrow path. Lead us to lead others to You with grace, love and compassion.
Shabbat (Sabbath) means to stop work and to be refreshed. Sabbath creates a space to be given new life and energy.
Shalom is God’s perfect peace. Shalom is the absence of agitation and discord.
Jesus said, “Come to me, all you that labor and are heavy laden, and I will give you rest.”
Matthew 11:28
In Jesus we find our Sabbath rest.
Jesus said, “My peace (shalom) I leave with you; My peace (shalom) I give to you. It is not as the world gives that I give to you. Do not let your heart be troubled, and do not
For those of you who are not on certain Social Media sites, I publish “Short Takes” every day. Below are the takes for last week. I pray they bless you and keep you striving toward a full Kingdom walk ‘for such a time as this!’
God Bless,
~You can choose to be crushed by circumstance or strengthened. Choose wisely!
~Each beat of a faith filled heart resonates grace…Into every situation. Have that heart!
~Is your faith on a firm foundation or cracked & crumbling under the surface with doubt & unbelief?
In Esther’s Warriors Ministry, we began in 2012 ‘praying the states’ for healing for our Nation. Queen Esther went before the king to intercede for her people. We go before The King to intercede for our Nation ‘for such a time as this’ (Esther 4:14). We pray for each state in the order of admission to the Union and will continue. Our Nation more than ever needs consistent, diligent prayer cover state by state.
Father God, we come before You on the threshold of this new week to ask for Your guidance and grace. Lead, direct and guide us to walk in the ways You would have us walk.
Point us in the direction of Your perfect will.
Let us lay aside any person, place or thing that would keep us from the fullness of Your destiny for us.
Infuse us with your Holy Spirit. Give us wisdom and discernment.
This month is the a month of release…complete release of what can no longer go forward with you. Last month set up the first fruits offerings of time with Me and committed prayer for the coming year. This month enhances commitments made to Me as final hindering residue falls away. It is finished. Release. Let it all go.
Whatever is not from Me is not for you. Walk away with grace for I know the plans I have for you. So much is shifting in the spirit…so much…so fast. This is not the
In Esther’s Warriors Ministry, we began in 2012 ‘praying the states’ for healing for our Nation. Queen Esther went before the king to intercede for her people. We go before the King to intercede for our Nation ‘for such a time as this’ (Esther 4:14). We pray for each state in the order of admission to the Union and will continue. Our Nation more than ever needs consistent, diligent prayer cover state by state.
Father God, we thank You for the beginning of this new month in this new season. Grace each of us to arise in You. Grace each of us to arise to the fullness of Your calling in our life.
Let us not look to the left or to the right but let our eyes stay ever focused on You and Your direction in our life. Let us throw off the grave clothes of our own unfulfilled hope and step into the light of