Pray The States Toward the Presidential Election


Please join us this week as we ‘pray the states’  toward the 2012 Presidential election.   Each state is important in forming our United States of America.  We commit to pray for a different state each  week so we not only provide prayer cover but also to make us aware that our  country is bigger than the space we personally occupy in  it.

This week please cover Rhode Island admitted to the  Union May 29, 1790, in prayer.   We are  praying for each state in the order of admission to the Union.  Pray for wisdom and discernment for … Read the rest

Let Unity Reign In Your Heart


Blessings as we begin Holy Week!  This is considered the holiest week for believers as it begins with Jesus’s triumphant arrival in Jerusalem; includes His most humbling act of servitude when He washes the disciple’s feet; the last supper with His followers on earth before His crucifixion; His suffering and death on the cross and His glorious resurrection from the dead.  It is a week like no other in history lived out by the Son of God to die for our sins and set us free if we choose to follow Him.  Wow!  Take a minute and … Read the rest

A Lenten Reflection


This week we celebrate President’s Day in honor of all Presidents
in our Nation’s history.  Who do you admire most as President?  A February 18, 2012, Gallup poll indicated that Ronald Reagan ranked number one.  In his inaugural address on January 21, 1985, he said, “May He continue to hold us close as we fill the world with our sound…one people under God, dedicated to the dream of freedom that He placed in the human heart, called upon now to pass that dream on to a waiting and hopeful world.”  May He continue to hold us close … Read the rest

Aligning Your Heart Through Prayer

Blessings to you as we walk together through this first month of 2012 seeking God and His very best for us in the coming year.  Last week we looked at the low percentages of Christians who read their Bible.  I pray
that you felt moved to put time in the Word as a priority in your life.  In the season we are in in this country we must be washed in the Word.  Do not ever forget that in the armor of God the Word of God is the only offensive
weapon.  It is, “…the sword of the Spirit, which … Read the rest

We Hold This Truth To Set Us Free



I pray this finds you well and seeking the Lord in this first month of 2012.  Last week we discussed some things you can do to refocus and reorder your life to attain the fullness He died to give you.  To purpose to pray, to read the Bible, to forgive, and to work on your relationship with Him are crucial to having a victorious walk with Him on your life journey.  We each have desires of our hearts for this season.  Keep ever in your heart (and it
is always a heart issue) the words Jesus speaks to … Read the rest