Daily Inspiration-Looking for Healing?

At His last Passover supper on the night before His crucifixion, Jesus established communion for all who follow Him.  Communion calls to mind the life, death and resurrection of Jesus Christ.  My Pastor told me decades ago that communion is most powerful and healing.

Yet, within the body of Christ today many denominations and non-denominations limit the opportunity to receive communion to annually, quarterly, monthly, etc.  Although Jesus never stipulated an exact time frame to receive, He did say, “…as often as …” in 1 Corinthians 11:25b.

I attended a funeral not too long ago in a church where the

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Daily Inspiration-Do This In Remembrance


Today is Holy Thursday when we commemorate the Last Supper.

It is here that Jesus institutes what we know as communion.

Some did not understand either the spiritual meaning or the power in the taking of communion.

Many still do not.

They only heard in the natural and were confused.

Never underestimate the power of communion!

Spiritual union with the Lord on a daily basis offers a life filled with Kingdom power, anointing and grace.

To receive communion affords the most powerful healing grace.

Take communion often.

For it is written:

 “And He took the bead, gave thanks and broke

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