Please Join Us As We “Pray the States!”- Texas-“For Such a Time as This!” Esther 4:14


“For Such a Time as This!”

Esther 4:14

Pray for the United States of America

‘Pray the States!’

In Esther’s Warriors Ministry, we began in 2012 ‘praying the states’ for healing for our Nation.   Queen Esther went before the king to intercede for her people.    We go before the King to intercede for our Nation ‘for such a time as this’ (Esther 4:14).  We pray for each state in the order of admission to the Union and will continue.  Our Nation more than ever needs consistent, diligent prayer cover state by state.

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USA President’s Day-“For Such A Time As This!”-Esther 4:14-Pray for Our President

President's Day USA 1

Take Time To Pray Daily For Our President And Leaders!

Take Time to Learn What
Our President’s Stood for and Believed

On this day I pray that  God may bless you and  that God may bless America.  Today in the United States of America we celebrate President’s Day in honor of those who throughout history have held our highest National office.  These men served at great personal sacrifice to lead the greatest country through times of peace and times of war.

History shows us that  an overwhelming majority of these men placed the God of the Bible and country first

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Please Join Us As We “Pray the States!”- Florida-“For Such a Time as This!” Esther 4:14


“For Such a Time as This!”

Esther 4:14

Pray for the United States of America

‘Pray the States!’

In Esther’s Warriors Ministry, we began in 2012 ‘praying the states’ for healing for our Nation.   Queen Esther went before the king to intercede for her people.    We go before the King to intercede for our Nation ‘for such a time as this’ (Esther 4:14).  We pray for each state in the order of admission to the Union and will continue.  Our Nation more than ever needs consistent, diligent prayer cover state by state.

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Please Join Us As We “Pray the States!”- Michigan-“For Such a Time as This!” Esther 4:14


“For Such a Time as This!”

Esther 4:14

Pray for the United States of America

‘Pray the States!’

In Esther’s Warriors Ministry, we began in 2012 ‘praying the states’ for healing for our Nation.   Queen Esther went before the king to intercede for her people.    We go before the King to intercede for our Nation ‘for such a time as this’ (Esther 4:14).  We pray for each state in the order of admission to the Union and will continue.  Our Nation more than ever needs consistent, diligent prayer cover state by state.

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“For Such a Time as This!” Esther 4:14 – Arise…Stand Therefore!

“For Such a Time as This!”

Esther 4:14

In reading Psalms the other day I read that “fretting” causes harm.  I immediately thought of how Jesus tells us not to worry. Worry is synonymous with anxiety and fear.

Countless studies have shown that to live in a state of chronic stress or worry is most detrimental to your health on all levels.  Mentally and emotionally it leads to depression.  Physically is causes disease to include heart disease, cancer, etc.  Spiritually, it keeps you far from God.

Think about it.  If you are steeped in worry and all of its components

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Please Join Us As We “Pray the States!”- Arkansas-“For Such a Time as This!” Esther 4:14


“For Such a Time as This!”

Esther 4:14

Pray for the United States of America

‘Pray the States!’

In Esther’s Warriors Ministry, we began in 2012 ‘praying the states’ for healing for our Nation.   Queen Esther went before the king to intercede for her people.    We go before the King to intercede for our Nation ‘for such a time as this’ (Esther 4:14).  We pray for each state in the order of admission to the Union and will continue.  Our Nation more than ever needs consistent, diligent prayer cover state by state.

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Please Join Us As We “Pray the States!”- Missouri-“For Such a Time as This!” Esther 4:14


“For Such a Time as This!

Esther 4:14

Pray for the United States of America

‘Pray the States!’

In Esther’s Warriors Ministry, we began in 2012 ‘praying the states’ for healing for our Nation.   Queen Esther went before the king to intercede for her people.    We go before the King to intercede for our Nation ‘for such a time as this’ (Esther 4:14).  We pray for each state in the order of admission to the Union and will continue.  Our Nation more than ever needs consistent, diligent prayer cover state by state.

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Please Join Us As We “Pray the States!”- Alabama


Pray for the United States of America

‘Pray the States!’

In Esther’s Warriors Ministry, we began in 2012 ‘praying the states’ for healing for our Nation.   Queen Esther went before the king to intercede for her people.    We go before the King to intercede for our Nation ‘for such a time as this’ (Esther 4:14).  We pray for each state in the order of admission to the Union and will continue.  Our Nation more than ever needs consistent, diligent prayer cover state by state.

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Please Join Us As We “Pray the States!”- Illinois


Pray for the United States of America

‘Pray the States!’

In Esther’s Warriors Ministry, we began in 2012 ‘praying the states’ for healing for our Nation.   Queen Esther went before the king to intercede for her people.    We go before the King to intercede for our Nation ‘for such a time as this’ (Esther 4:14).  We pray for each state in the order of admission to the Union and will continue.  Our Nation more than ever needs consistent, diligent prayer cover state by state.

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Please Join Us As We “Pray the States!”- Mississippi


Pray for the United States of America

‘Pray the States!’

In Esther’s Warriors Ministry, we began in 2012 ‘praying the states’ for healing for our Nation.   Queen Esther went before the king to intercede for her people.    We go before the King to intercede for our Nation ‘for such a time as this’ (Esther 4:14).  We pray for each state in the order of admission to the Union and will continue.  Our Nation more than ever needs consistent, diligent prayer cover state by state.

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