We stand in one accord, raised up for such a time as this, to war for God’s Kingdom and God’s people. We come in agreement for the following:
That the fire of revival and reformation will spread in our nation across denominational lines. That there will be a turning to the Lord.
For Divine protection and spiritual cover for America.
For safety and strength for those serving in our military forces and for their families.
For all military personnel who have come home wounded that they and their families will receive the kindness, help and support they need.
For safety and strength for all police, firefighters, first responders and their families
That the youth be drawn to You and Your ways and rise up for such a time as this.
That each member of the Body of Christ wake up to their true call in the Lord.
For peace in Israel
To pray without ceasing for spiritual victory over radical Islam and the revolutionary Muslim community.
To cover each other in prayer for our families, finances, health, and ministries.
For wisdom and discernment in the way we should go and the words we should speak.
For a fresh, increased anointing–a double portion for each of us to go forward in the Lord.
All this we pray in Jesus’ name. Amen and amen!
Esther 4:14 2 Chronicles 7:14
SEEK:Stay Equipped, Empowered, Kingdom focused! ©
Please Join Us In Prayer
Esther’s Warriors is a group of Christian men and women from all denominations, raised up ‘for such a time as this’ to intercede for our country, our youth, the body of Christ, and each other. We agree to pray for these specific issues daily. Joined together in spirit, we have weathered many storms individually and corporately.
God has honored the commitment we each have made for faithful, continual prayer in agreement with each other. We have connected as well with many other intercessory groups and individuals throughout the world.
In the Bible, Queen Esther went before the King to intercede for God’s people against the wicked plot of their enemy (Haman). All the Jews fasted with Esther for victory. That fasting coupled with her intercession resulted in the deliverance of the people.
I suggest that you read the book of Esther, especially those chapters that pertain to her courageous approach to the King. She put her life on the line for her people and went to the King on their behalf. In those days, if one approached the King unannounced, it was punishable by death. Her call was so strong to intercede for her people that she said,“If I perish, I perish.” Her courage saved a nation.
We go before THE King to intercede for His people and the lost in need of salvation. Standing strong together, we intercede with courage and tenacity. As the Army of God, we arise ‘for such a time as this!’
Now is the time. God is calling together the remnant throughout the world–calling us together in the spirit to war in the power of the Holy Spirit for His people and His Kingdom. We are called to pray without ceasing throughout the day and in the midnight hours if we wake.
This IS the season that many will grow cold and turn away from the truth of God’s Word. We see it all around us as more and more turn to “spiritual” ideologies that are not based in Scripture. It is imperative for us as Christians to read the Bible and get it deep in our hearts so we will not be deceived. If we know the truth, we will quickly identify the deception. Jesus tells us, “…Take heed that no one deceives you” (Matt 24:46).
We are the people, who are called by His name, who must humble ourselves and pray and seek His face and turn from wicked ways. Then, His promise is, that He will hear from heaven and will forgive our sin and heal our land. (2 Chronicles 7:14) Now is the time for us to arise to stand in the gap for our Nation. This is our shining hour in this season for His glory!
There is much shifting in the spirit, situations long stuck are being released by the power of God. I believe that as we press in and diligently seek Him that we are being freed individually and corporately from longstanding bondage. We are then better able to intercede for those critical issues of this season. We can then be open channels for the Lord to work through us to free those around us.
Be encouraged in the Word and in the moves of God all around us. Even when situations seem hopeless in the natural we serve a God who is able to do exceedingly and abundantly above all we could expect or imagine. Know that. Walk in it. He calls us to trust Him and He is faithful. Stay prayed up and covered in the Word of God!
We are most honored to have you join Esther’s Warriors should you so choose. May Jesus continue to bless you and carry you in His will and His way for your life!
SEEK:Stay Equipped, Empowered, Kingdom focused! ©
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