Daily Inspiration-What Is Your Inner Peace Quotient?


How would you rate your life on a scale of 1 to 10, with 10 being fabulous?

Take some time with this.

If you determine that it is 5 or below, you are living at 50% of your inner peace quotient.

Your inner peace should not be based on your circumstances.

 If your quotient is consistently 50% or less, make some changes now!

Do not be robbed of your inheritance in Christ.

“The thief comes to steal and to kill and to destroy. I am come that they might have life, and that they might have it more abundantly.”


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Daily Inspiration-How Firm Is Your Foundation?


So many run hither and yon, unstable in all their ways.

Without a firm foundation, you are like a shining castle built on sand that is swept away in the first storm.

Build your life on solid rock.

 “Anyone who listens to my teaching and follows it is wise, like a person who builds a house on solid rock.  Though the rain comes in torrents and the floodwaters rise and the winds beat against that house, it won’t collapse because it is built on bedrock.  But anyone who hears my teaching and doesn’t obey it is foolish, like a person

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Daily Inspiration-A New Lease On Life!


Are you living your life or

Is your life living you?

It is easy to become a slave to your routine without realizing it.

Step back a little.

Even if you can only tweak your day in small ways

-Any shift can be refreshing.

Give yourself a new lease on life!

Stay Equipped, Empowered, Kingdom focused! ©

Remember, it is always a heart issue!


God Bless America

Pray USA 100

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Daily Inspiration-The Magnificence of Today!


Today is the first day

Of the rest of your life.

How exciting!

This magnificent day

Will only come your way


May it be simply spectacular!

Stay Equipped, Empowered, Kingdom focused! ©

Remember, it is always a heart issue!


God Bless America

Pray USA 100

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Daily Inspiration-Think Twice–Be Nice!


Every circumstance

Offers opportunity.

You can become

Better or bitter.

You can offer

Grace or be offended.

It is really up to you.

Choose carefully.

The result will either

Bless you or upset you

And those around you.

Think twice.  Be nice!

Stay Equipped, Empowered, Kingdom focused! ©

Remember, it is always a heart issue!


God Bless America

Pray USA 100

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Daily Inspiration-Reach Across the Aisle!


There is much division in America right now.

Do not be a part of it

On any level.

Remember, we are Americans first.

We are all in this together.

Be a part of the uniting of America once again.

Do not just wish and hope for change.

Be a positive part of the change!

Reach across the aisle of race, color, creed and political affiliation!

Stay Equipped, Empowered, Kingdom focused! ©

Remember, it is always a heart issue!

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Veterans Day-Thank You and God Bless Our Vets!

God Bless America

Words Cannot Express

Today in the United States of America we celebrate Veterans Day. It is a time to honor those who have unselfishly served to keep us free in this country and protect freedom across many shores. Take time every day to thank any who have served or are currently serving. Our service people give up their families, the comforts of home and some even their lives to protect our country and keep us safe at home and to protect freedom worldwide.  Many bear emotional and physical challenges long after they come home.  They deserve our respect and support … Read the rest

#Pray for America-The Results Are In!-2016 Presidential Election


Blessed is the Nation whose God is the Lord…Psalm 33:12

Donald J. Trump has won the Presidential Election.  Whether he was your chosen candidate or not, let us come together now to bring this country to unity.  We are all Americans.  If you do not consider yourself an American  please search your heart.  This is what has made us a great nation historically.  We came from across the globe to live free but we came together, we fought in wars together, we shed our blood together for this Nation.

Please Pray With Me

Today and Everyday Going Forth

Please pray … Read the rest

Today is the Day! – #Pray for America – 2016 Presidential Election

Memorial Day

Today is the day!

Please get out and vote for the candidate who reflects God’s principles.  This is not a personality contest or a Democrat/Republican choice.  We, as Christians, stand to lose this country and our very freedom as Americans.

The world looks to us as the last bastion of freedom and hope.  We are a land founded on Christian principles and dedicated to the Gospel.  That is our history despite attempts to rewrite it.  Now is the time, this is the election that we need to arise and vote to remain the land of the free and the home … Read the rest

40 Days in the Gap-#Pray for the USA-Election 2016


Please Vote!

We have just finished ‘40 Days in the Gap for America.’  During these last 40 days leading up to the Presidential Election, we have come humbly before the Lord to repent, pray and seek His face that He would hear from heaven and heal our land.   We have prayed for ourselves to arise and walk out our faith daily.  We have prayed that we take that same faith in Jesus Christ and the Word of God to the polls.  We have prayed for the land in which God has placed us that this United States of America would … Read the rest