Do you continually set up and stir up circumstances that keep you in a swirl of drama? Know that the constant stress for you and those around you is unhealthy on every level.
Step back. Think first. Then step up.
For it is written:
“A soft answer turns away wrath, but a harsh word stirs up anger. The tongue of the wise uses knowledge rightly, but the mouth of fools pours forth foolishness.”
Have you ever had a power outage that affects all communication? Where I live was hit by lightning several days ago and it affected internet, TV and phone and in some cases electric power. Crews are still working to bring many back up to full service. I am not a huge internet user or TV watcher but I must say when all access is cut off I realized how much I actually research online. During the storm my TV and cable were fried and part of the main fuse box was hit. Normally I would just Google the situation and
Feeling weak? Feeling weary? The joy of the Lord is your strength. Know that. Seek Him.
Start, build, and cherish a relationship with Him. Wherever you are in your journey, it is never too late. Cultivate and strengthen your relationship with Him.
Listen for His still small voice. Follow His direction rather than the ways of the world. Through close relationship you will walk in His joy and in His strength. Pump up!
For it is written:
“This day is holy to the Lord your God; do not mourn nor weep…for this day is holy to our Lord. Do not
When you get caught up in the drama of the world you step off the Kingdom highway. You turn onto the wide road that leads to soul erosion. This world road is traveled by the majority so it can be subtly alluring. In the blink of an eye you can be on that road.
The Kingdom road is narrow for sure. Few find it. But, the Kingdom journey makes all the difference in the world.
Check the road signs. Check your heart (for it is always a heart issue). If you have wandered off the Kingdom road, get back on
Picture yourself walking along a path. You come upon a boulder in the center of the path. You can try to move it or just walk around it and continue on your journey. Next, you encounter a large rock, smaller than a boulder but large enough to clearly see it and avoid walking right into it.
Finally, there is a small rock which can easily be overlooked. Be careful that you do not stumble and trip over it for that could greatly impede if not completely stop your ability to go forward. Wounding or severe injury could result that could
Have you ever been rejected, abandoned, mistreated? I think most of us have been at least once. Some have been more than others. Some have developed deep roots of rejection that play out in every encounter and or relationship.
People will let you down at times. It is part of the human condition. To stay clear at the heart level (and it is always a heart issue) it is imperative to forgive every slight whether real or imagined, large or small.
When your heart stays clear you are better able to hear God’s direction. When your heart is clear you
Did you ever watch birds glide across a blue summer sky? Some birds clearly fly on a mission with a destination in mind. But there are some who spread their wings wide and glide gracefully and seemingly without effort.
Do you frantically seek each destination or have you honed the skill to just glide with complete trust in the Lord? You can greatly reduce the frantic and frenetic ways of the world in your life. Just glide in His grace.
For it is written:
“And he said unto me, My grace is sufficient for thee: for my strength is made
Do you sometimes have too much going on in your life? Do you feel overwhelmed? Do worry and anxiety seep into your spirit? Is your heart troubled? After all, it is always a heart issue.
Step back, even if just for a short time. Unplug from all contact. Take time to rest in the Lord for a while.
The world will go on without you. Let His peace wash over you, refresh your spirit and renew your life. Listen for His direction.
For it is written:
“Peace I leave with you, My peace I give to you; not as the