Daily Inspiration-Who’s Got the Wheel?

The first month of the year sets the foundation for your year ahead.  It is the first fruits of your year.  Many fast during January to hear God for direction.  Many dedicate the year to Him.  Many resolve to create change through making long lists of New Year’s resolutions.  Usually, in short order, all is forgotten and life returns to whatever it was last year.

Fasting, dedicating and resolving are good but it is really what is at the heart of all these things that is important.  If doing these things by rote each year or because your church is

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A New Year…2018!

Let God Make Your New Year


Here we are once again on the precipice of a new year!  As 2017 draws to a close what do you envision for your 2018?  This past year may have been quite wonderful for you.  Perhaps it was most challenging.

It is easy to focus on the negative in life.  So much negativity floods the news media daily.  You are bombarded with continuous updates of frightening happenings around the world.  This endless barrage of negative can cast a dark shadow on your life if you are not careful.  Despite whatever took place look

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Daily Inspiration-Arise in 2017!


To ruminate over past transgressions

Whether real or imagined

Will keep you stuck in worldly negativity.

Maturity brings wisdom and discernment

To rise above situations and

Bring the compassion and love of Christ

To each circumstance.

Determine not

To carry negative and unhealthy

Thought patterns and reactions.

To walk without getting entangled

In the drama of life events

Brings abundant life.

Know that God has you covered.

He never wants you to remain the same.

His call is to come up higher.


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