Please Join Me in Prayer for the Coming Week!

Dear Prayer Warriors,

Let Us Come in Agreement…

Please Join Me in Prayer for the Coming Week:

Father God, we come before You on this Holy Week and final week in our Lenten journey.  Let us walk the road to Calvary this week and see every crooked place in our life that needs to be made straight.

Where there is division let us bring unity.   Where there is pain let us bring Your peace.  Where there is discord let us bring reconciliation.  Let us love those You have placed in our life with no record of wrong.

As we walk

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Please Join Me in Prayer for the Coming Week

Dear Prayer Warriors,

Let Us Come in Agreement…

Please Join Me in Prayer for the Coming Week:

On this first Sunday in Lent we come boldly before Your throne to seek Your wisdom in this season.  Grace us to ever walk in Your ways.  Anoint us to hear what the Spirit would say in this time.  Let us not look left or right but keep our eyes fixed ever on You.

In this season of repentance let us turn from all that which does not serve You in our lives.  Let our walk line up with Your Word.  Let our

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“For Such a Time as This!” Esther 4:14 – Give Up and Step Up for Lent!

“For Such a Time as This!”

Esther 4:14

Yesterday began the season of Lent.  It was also Valentine’s Day when everyone thinks about love and hearts and flowers. It is interesting that Lent began on a day dedicated to love.  There is not greater love than the love Jesus Christ has for you.  There is no greater love!

During the 40 day journey of Lent, Christians around the world take time to fast, pray and seek God during these days leading up to Resurrection Sunday.   As children we were focused on giving up something for Lent.  Usually this was candy

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A Lenten Reflection


This week we celebrate President’s Day in honor of all Presidents
in our Nation’s history.  Who do you admire most as President?  A February 18, 2012, Gallup poll indicated that Ronald Reagan ranked number one.  In his inaugural address on January 21, 1985, he said, “May He continue to hold us close as we fill the world with our sound…one people under God, dedicated to the dream of freedom that He placed in the human heart, called upon now to pass that dream on to a waiting and hopeful world.”  May He continue to hold us close … Read the rest