Daily Inspiration-Share Your Best!

Cardinal Inspiration

You are fearfully

And wonderfully made

With unique gifts and talents.

Share your gifts

With others.

Be the light!

God bless your day!

SEEK:  Stay Equipped, Empowered, Kingdom focused!

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Daily Inspiration-Tomorrow’s Grace

Cardinal Inspiration

To worry about tomorrow

Is to put yourself

In a time you do not yet have

The grace to walk through.

Stay present to the present.

God bless your day!   

SEEK: Stay Equipped, Empowered, Kingdom focused!  

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Daily Inspiration-Toning in 2016

Cardinal Inspiration

Be shaped

By what is

True, noble, just, pure, lovely

And of virtue

In your background.

Look for what is

Praiseworthy in your life!

God Bless Your Day!

SEEK: Stay Equipped, Empowered, Kingdom focused

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