Daily Inspiration-Don’t Miss It!


Make the most of each day.

Some will be good;

Some will be challenging,


Each day carries

Its own special blessing.

Look for it.

It is always there.

SEEK: Stay Equipped, Empowered, Kingdom focused!  ©

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Daily Inspiration-Stay Positive!


You have a choice in life.

You can become




Choose wisely.

 The focus you choose

Will color

The rest of your life.

SEEK:  Stay Equipped, Empowered, Kingdom focused!  ©

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Daily Inspiration-Give It Your Best!


A clean sheet of paper


Endless possibilities.

So the clean slate

Of a new day


The unique perspective

That is you.

SEEK:  Stay Equipped, Empowered, Kingdom focused!  ©

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Daily Inspiration-Leave With Grace



Does not mean

To continue

Accepting poor behavior.

You can fully forgive

As you walk away

From toxic situations.

SEEK:  Stay Equipped, Empowered, Kingdom focused! ©

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Daily Inspiration-Go In Peace


In this season

Of strife on every level,

Hold fast

To your peace.

It is sacred.

It is personal.

It is irreplaceable.

SEEK:  Stay Equipped, Empowered, Kingdom focused!  ©

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Daily Inspiration-Give It Time


At times,

Your greatest challenge

Brings with it

Your greatest blessing

…in time.

Wait for it.

God works

All for good

For His own.

SEEK:  Stay Equipped, Empowered, Kingdom focused!  ©

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Daily Inspiration-The Open Door


As one door closes,

Wait and listen

For the sound

Of the next open door.

It may come with great fanfare


It may come in a whisper,

But the door always opens.

SEEK:  Stay Equipped, Empowered, Kingdom focused!  ©

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Daily Inspiration-Carpe This Diem!


The light of dawn

Brings a chance

To start life afresh.

You can’t

Change yesterday

But you can

Build a better today.

SEEK:  Stay Equipped, Empowered, Kingdom focused!  ©

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Daily Inspiration-Use Discernment


Each person

Who enters your life

Comes with gifts

To share.

Don’t reject

An opportunity

Because you are not comfortable

With the way it is packaged.

SEEK:  Stay Equipped, Empowered, Kingdom focused!  ©

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Daily Inspiration-Facets of Integrity


Be respectful

Of other people’s


Be on time.

They are spending

Their life minutes

To be with you.

Honor that.

To do less

Is to consider

Them less.

SEEK: Stay Equipped, Empowered, Kingdom focused!  ©

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