Advancing the Kingdom of God One Heart at a Time
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Hopefully, you grow and mature through the different stages of your life.
What you used to do becomes not so necessary anymore.
Your tastes and the things you enjoy shift with each season.
Embrace and grow gracefully through the seasons of your life.
For it is written:
“When I was a child, I spoke and thought and reasoned as a child. But when I grew up, I put away childish things. Now we see things imperfectly, like puzzling reflections in a mirror, but then we will see everything with perfect clarity. All that I know now is partial and incomplete, …
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Posted in #God bless America , #Pray for America , And I Will Heal Their Land , Christian blog , christianity , daily inspiration , Devotional , Esther's Warriors Ministry , inspiration , Ministry , Pray for the USA , Pray USA 100
Tagged #GodBlessAmerica , #Pray for America , 1 Corinthians 13:11-13 , And the greatest is love , Daily Inspiration , devotional , Esther's Warriors Ministry , it is always a heart issue , it is written , Kingdom focused , pray for the USA , PrayUSA100
Wishing you a most blessed Resurrection Sunday!
May the Lord shine His everlasting grace upon you.
May you arise in this season with His resurrection power and anointing to go forth in destiny to fulfill His Great Commission to His followers ‘for such a time as this!’
For it is written:
“ Then Jesus came to them and said, “All authority in heaven and on earth has been given to Me. Therefore go and make disciples of all nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit, and teaching them to …
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Posted in #God bless America , #Pray for America , And I Will Heal Their Land , Christian blog , christianity , daily inspiration , Devotional , Esther's Warriors Ministry , inspiration , Pray for the USA , Pray USA 100
Tagged #GodBlessAmerica , #PrayforAmerica , anointing , authority , Daily Inspiration , destiny , devotional , easter , Esther's Warriors Ministry , it is always a heart issue , it is written , Jesus , Kingdom focused , Matthew 28:18-20 , power , pray for the USA , PrayUSA100 , r , Resurrection Sunday
Today is Good Friday.
We commemorate Jesus Christ’s passion and death on the cross for the salvation of mankind.
He came for you.
He suffered for you.
He died for you.
If you were the only one, He still would have come.
Whatever your life may hold, whether good, bad or indifferent, give it to Him.
He knows your suffering.
He understands your pain.
He rejoices in your happiness.
He loves you with an everlasting love.
Whatever may have gone before; whatever you may have done or failed to do; turn it all over to Him now.
With heartfelt repentance, …
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Posted in #God bless America , #Pray for America , And I Will Heal Their Land , Christian blog , christianity , daily inspiration , Devotional , Esther's Warriors Ministry , inspiration , Pray for the USA , Pray USA 100
Tagged #GodBlessAmerica , #PrayforAmerica , Daily Inspiration , Esther's Warriors Ministry , Good Friday , it is always a heart issue , It is finished , it is written , Jesus , John 19:30 , Kingdom focused , PrayUSA100 , salvation
Today is Holy Thursday when we commemorate the Last Supper.
It is here that Jesus institutes what we know as communion.
Some did not understand either the spiritual meaning or the power in the taking of communion.
Many still do not.
They only heard in the natural and were confused.
Never underestimate the power of communion!
Spiritual union with the Lord on a daily basis offers a life filled with Kingdom power, anointing and grace.
To receive communion affords the most powerful healing grace.
Take communion often.
For it is written:
“And He took the bead, gave thanks and broke …
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Posted in #God bless America , #Pray for America , And I Will Heal Their Land , Christian blog , christianity , daily inspiration , Devotional , Esther's Warriors Ministry , inspiration , Pray for the USA , Pray USA 100
Tagged #GodBlessAmerica , #Pray for America , communion , Daily Inspiration , devotional , Esther's Warriors Ministry , Holy Thursday , it is always a heart issue , it is written , Jesus , Kingdom focused , Last Supper , Luke 22:19-20
At the half way mark in Holy Week we see the agreement between Judas Iscariot and the chief priests.
Judas agrees to betray Jesus for thirty pieces of silver.
Judas, who was one of the twelve closest to Jesus, turns his back on the Lord for mere worldly gain and complicity with the religious leaders.
How often does worldly allure seek to tempt you to betray your walk with the Lord?
How often does religion override your relationship with the Lord?
In the end, when you stand before the Lord, where will you stand?
For it is written:
“For many …
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Posted in #God bless America , #Pray for America , And I Will Heal Their Land , Christian blog , christianity , daily inspiration , Devotional , Esther's Warriors Ministry , Pray for the USA , Pray USA 100
Tagged #GodBlessAmerica , #PrayforAmerica , betrayal , Daily Inspiration , Esther's Warriors Ministry , Holy Week , it is always a heart issue , it is written , Jesus , Judas , Many are called but few are chosen , Matthew 22:14 , PrayUSA100
“So they came to Jerusalem.
Then Jesus went into the temple and began to drive out those who bought and sold in the temple, and overturned the tables of the money changers and the seats of those who sold doves.
And He would not allow anyone to carry wares through the temple.
Then He taught, saying to them, “Is it not written, ‘My house shall be called a house of prayer for all nations? But you have made it a ‘den of thieves’.”
Mark 11:15-17
During this last week of Lent consider your temple.
Have you allowed the thieves …
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Posted in #Pray for America , And I Will Heal Their Land , Christian blog , christianity , daily inspiration , Devotional , inspiration , Pray for the USA , Pray USA 100
Tagged #GodBlessAmerica , #PrayforAmerica , 1 Corinthians 3:16*17 , Daily Inspiration , Esther's Warriors Ministry , it is always a heart issue , it is written , Jesus , Mark 11:15-17 , pray for the USA , PrayUSA100
This week for our Jewish brothers and sisters is the commemoration of Passover when the Angel of Death passed over the households of God’s chosen people.
The sign for deliverance was the blood of the lamb put on the lintels of their door frame.
It is a festival of freedom calling to mind God’s releasing them from Egyptian bondage.
For Christians, this week is Holy Week taking us from Palm Sunday through Holy Thursday (the Last Supper), Good Friday (the death of Jesus) and finally to Resurrection Sunday, when Jesus rose from the dead.
Christians are saved from worldly bondage …
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Posted in #God bless America , #Pray for America , And I Will Heal Their Land , Christian blog , christianity , daily inspiration , Devotional , Esther's Warriors Ministry , inspiration , Pray for the USA , Pray USA 100
Tagged #GodBlessAmerica , #PrayforAmerica , blood of the Lamb , Daily Inspiration , Esther's Warriors Ministry , Holy Week , it is always a heart issue , it is written , Jesus , Passover , PrayUSA100 , Revelation 12:11
In this season, many seem to have much through church programs, emotional displays of worship, Bible head knowledge, the false comfort of religious doctrine and worldly trappings of success.
Yet, they lack the mysteries of the Kingdom of God and the power thereof.
Take heed.
For it is written:
“Therefore take heed how you hear. For whoever has, to him more will be given; and whoever does not have, even what he seems to have will be taken from him.”
Luke 8:18
Stay Equipped, Empowered, Kingdom focused! ©
Remember, it is always a heart issue!
PrayUSA100 …
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Posted in #God bless America , #Pray for America , And I Will Heal Their Land , Christian blog , christianity , daily inspiration , Devotional , Esther's Warriors Ministry , Pray for the USA , Pray USA 100
Tagged #GodBlessAmerica , #Pray for America , Daily Inspiration , Esther's Warriors Ministry , for it is written , it is always a heart issue , Jesus , Kingdom of God , Luke 8:18 , mysteries of the Kingdom of God , PrayUSA100 , Take heed
Too often people think life is supposed to be easy.
They envision life without financial, physical or relationship issues.
But, if you think this way, that is a very unrealistic outlook that will only keep you in distress.
Life comes with challenges, yes, but do not let your life challenges define your life.
See your blessings and focus on them.
There are always blessings.
Let those define you.
Let those encourage you.
Share a positive attitude with others.
For it is written:
“And God is able to bless you abundantly, so that in all things at all times, having all …
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Posted in #God bless America , #Pray for America , And I Will Heal Their Land , Christian blog , christianity , daily inspiration , Devotional , Esther's Warriors Ministry , inspiration , Pray for the USA , Pray USA 100
Tagged #GodBlessAmerica , #Pray for America , #PrayforAmerica , #WakeUpAmerica , 2 Corinthians 9:8 , blessed to be a blessing , Daily Inspiration , Esther's Warriors Ministry , it is always a heart issue , it is written , PrayUSA100
So much in the Word of God today is being diluted by the desire to homogenize the Kingdom of God with the world.
To that end, many preach a world view devoid of Kingdom principles and power.
There is only a semblance of truth.
For it is written:
“They will appear to have a godly life, but they will not let its power change them. Stay away from such people.”
2 Timothy 3:5
Stay Equipped, Empowered, Kingdom focused! ©
Remember, it is always a heart issue!
PrayUSA100 …
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Posted in #God bless America , #Pray for America , And I Will Heal Their Land , Christian blog , daily inspiration , Devotional , Esther's Warriors Ministry , inspiration , Pray for the USA , Pray USA 100
Tagged #GodBlessAmerica , #Pray for America , 2 Timothy 3:5 , Daily Inspiration , devotional , Esther's Warriors Ministry , it is always a heart issue , it is written , Michele Burke , PrayUSA100
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