Daily Inspiration-You Know Not the Time-RIP Salvatore Scotto

Last week I attended the funeral of a wonderful husband and father who had blessed our community for decades with his culinary skills and gracious presence.  My heart broke for the family he left behind and for all who loved him.  I so enjoyed watching he and his wife, the “love of his life,” Josephine, look at each other across the room at their restaurant. Even after 32 years together their love for each other was so very evident.  There are no words to describe the effect of his sudden unexpected death.

 Life is so very precious.  There are no

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Daily Inspiration-Fake News or Truth?

There is such a buzz now about ‘fake news.’  Fake news is nothing new although it has reached epic proportion in our time.

When I worked in Washington, D.C. I would sit in interviews and when I would read the account later in the newspaper there would be just a thread of truth.  It was never really close to the whole truth as originally presented.

So…listen lightly and know that only God knows the whole truth in any situation.  As humans we do not even know the whole truth about ourselves and what lies in our hearts (remember, it is

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Daily Inspiration-Matters of the Heart

When someone shares their deepest thoughts and struggles with you, they have given you access to their heart (and it is always a heart issue!).  Matters of the heart open sacred space.  Step lightly.  Proceed with the utmost care.  For, you have been entrusted with the most delicate issues.

Do not judge.  Do not condemn. Never share with others.   Just listen with your heart wide open.  Listen with the compassion of Christ.   Use wisdom, discernment and encouragement.  Pray for one another.

Each of us is wounded.  Some process differently than others.  Some do not process at all but rather build

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Daily Inspiration-Celebrate Life!

Celebrate life.  Celebrate one another. While you are still here on this earth, make your life a celebration of all that is good.

Press through the challenges.  Let go of the past for it is just that…past.  Do not continue to second guess what went before.  Ruminating never produces positive outcome.  Everything happens for a reason.  Grow from each experience and learn.  Celebrate how far God has brought you.  Celebrate life!

For it is written:

“And we know that God causes everything to work together for the good of those who love God and are called according to His purpose

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Daily Inspiration-Check Your Back Pocket!

Some people will try to demean you and bring you down to make themselves feel better.  Do not drink the Kool-Aid!  Walk away with grace and do not look back.  Accepting emotional abuse is never OK.  Emotional abuse in the name of Jesus is most noxious.

You are created for a divine purpose.  Be your best.  Do your best.  Give your best to others. We are called to love one another but not to accept toxic behavior. Many years ago, my priest would often say, “You are to love one another but that does not mean someone has to be

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Daily Inspiration-“My Peace I Leave With You!”

Be gentle with yourself.  You will make mistakes.  Apologize and move forward.  Forgive yourself.  Forgive others as He has forgiven you.

Jesus says that He leaves His peace with you.  Think about it.  He entrusts His peace to you.  Nothing is worth abandoning the peace that He gives you.

Be gentle with yourself.  Follow His lead.  Walk out His compassion to others in your life.  Allow His love and grace to flow through you to a troubled world.  You may be the only witness of Jesus in someone’s life.  Receive His peace and share it with abandon!

For it is

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July 4, 2017-Independence Day-God Bless the United States of America! Please Join Us

Dear Prayer Warriors,

Today we commemorate the publication of the Declaration of Independence of our country from Great Britain in 1776.  The birth of our great Nation was established on the bedrock of Judeo-Christian values.  The final paragraph of our Declaration of Independence contains these words:  “And for the support of this Declaration, with a firm reliance on the protection of Divine Providence, we mutually pledge to each other our Lives, our Fortunes, and our sacred Honor.”(Emphasis added)

As you may know, Esther’s Warriors Ministry was established in early 2008 to intercede for our country.  Just as Queen Esther

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Daily Inspiration-This Moment

This moment is all that is really guaranteed.  Make the most of it for this moment well lived builds upon the next and creates a blessed life.  Build a life that places the welfare of others above self-serving desires.

 Cherish those relationships with which you are blessed.  Let your friends and loved ones know how much you appreciate them.  Life is certainly challenging. Never miss an opportunity to bless someone. Take the time to pick up the phone and actually share conversation no matter how long it may have been.    Sadly, we have reduced relationship to texts and social media

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Daily Inspiration-How Do You Spell Valor?

In the Bible the term “mighty men of valor” is used frequently.  To have valor is to be courageous, brave, fearless, and bold.  A person of valor is heroic.  Valor speaks of integrity and Godly character.  Valor speaks of willingness to do what is best for the whole above personal needs and desires.  Valor speaks to risking much if not all for the common safety and good.

Queen Esther is surely a person of valor.  She risked her life to go before the king and intercede for God’s chosen people.  In Esther’s Warriors Ministry we go before The King to

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Daily Inspiration-Be Thankful of Heart!

There are people and circumstances that can have a profound effect on you. If that effect is not positive, release it.  Learn from them and the experience.   Hold them in prayer.  Release them with a clear heart (for it is always a heart issue) and move on with your life.

 If the effect is positive, cherish it.  Pray for them.  What you let into your heart will have a profound impact on your life!  Appreciate the good in your life.  Be thankful of heart.  For whatever is taking place right now in your life, there is always good.

There is

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