Daily Inspiration-It Is Never Too Late!

Over the last two weeks several people in my life have passed away.  Whether expected or suddenly, death is so very final.  There are no more conversations. There are no more connections.

You never know the time that you or another will pass away.  Pettiness, anger, resentment, bitterness and the like are such a waste of your time.  They are a detriment to your heart (and it is always a heart issue).  If you have any unsettled issues with someone, do your best, within reason, to bring resolution.  If that is not possible person to person then clear your own

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Daily Inspiration-Choose Wisely!

The change in your life begins with you.  Take an inventory.  Release what no longer serves your God given vision.  Add what will enhance and grow your life in a positive direction.  You only pass this way but once.  Be quite selective about whom you invite to make this journey with you. Not everyone can go forward with you to where God is taking you now.

Let the old fall away as He directs.  Some are in your life simply for a season.  Do not hold tight to what or whom He may be releasing from your journey.  Move forward. 

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Daily Inspiration-Wait For It!

God redeems the time.  It is really amazing!  Just as a new mother forgets the long wait and the travail of birth when she first holds her baby, so it is in many life situations.  All the waiting, the long hard journey and the travail of birthing a vision gives way to such promise that the time that could appear wasted or lost is redeemed to become a time of joy.  There is then little remembrance of the pain that went before.

If God has given you a vision, especially if it seems impossible in the natural, hold fast to

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Daily Inspiration-It is always a heart issue!

The past cannot be changed.  Perhaps not all choices and actions were the best.  Know that people can change.  You can change.  It is always a heart issue!    Situations do shift.

Do not miss today’s opportunities while malingering over yesterday’s issues whether real or imagined.

Learn from them but do not let them color your present and ultimately dampen your future.  Forgiveness is key.  Forgive yourself.  Forgive others.

For it is written:

“For if you forgive other people when they sin against you,

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Daily Inspiration-An Upside Down Realm…

Do you ever want something right now?  Tired of waiting?  Often, God’s delay is not His denial.

In this microwave society we can think that if something does not happen in a nano-second God must be saying no.  He may be, but often He is just saying ‘wait.’  He may be working out something in your heart (for it is always a heart issue), the heart of another or in the situation.  He may have something far better in store for you than what you can think or imagine.


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Daily Inspiration-It is Not Always About You!

It is not always all about you.  Things happen in life…some good…some not so good.  Often what is perceived as a personal slight has no personal intention behind it.  You could never know what another is dealing with in their life.  A careless word or action could be just that.  Forgive often.  Pray for the person and move on with your life.

For it is written:

“For if you forgive other people when they sin against you, your heavenly Father will also forgive you.  But if you do not forgive others their sins, your Father will not forgive your sins.”

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Daily Inspiration-The Awesome Gift!

Life is truly  such an awesome gift from God every single moment!  How do you open your gift?  Do you tear through it haphazardly and miss the beauty of the wrapping?  Do you miss the layers of “tissue” moments it affords?  Do you really see the preciousness or do you wish for something else or something more?  Do you discard life moments like used paper and bows?

Really look at how you are spending your life.  It is exquisite if you have eyes wide open.  It is magnificent if you listen carefully.  It is priceless if you spend each minute

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Daily Inspiration-Do Not Miss It!

Have you ever had a conversation with someone and something said, maybe just one word, shifts everything?  It is as if a key opens the door to something you may have long forgotten or may have never even seen before.  That key may bring you to a totally different place in your heart (for it is always a heart issue).

God often uses people to orchestrate His plan for your life.  Despise not seemingly small beginnings.  Pay attention.  Listen.  Do not judge.  He is always working in your life.  Do not miss it!

For it is written:

“…and lo, I

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Daily Inspiration-The Simplicity of Kindness…

The other day a person, who sits in church every Sunday,  told me that they pass the same woman daily on their walk and have chosen not to say hello or even give her a smile.   She appears unfriendly so they have decided that she will never respond and therefore they will never show any kindness to her.

WOW!  Talk about heart issues (and it is always a heart issue!).  I could not help but think that this very woman could probably use a kind word-not a lengthy conversation, just a simple hello or smile.

We see the world imploding

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Daily Inspiration-From Glory to Glory or Carnality to Carnality?

Things are not always as they appear.  Truly, we only see in part.  God alone sees the heart of another.

Show mercy and not judgment from your heart (for it is always a heart issue). To pass judgment only corrupts your heart and any work God may be doing in you.  Stay Kingdom focused and seek His leading for your own life. Let Him change you from glory to glory.  Do not change yourself from carnality to carnality.

For it is

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