Daily Inspiration-Do Not Play Into It!


When confronted with a challenging situation,

Let it play out.

Do not

Play into it.

This is especially true

With all the angst swirling around in the world today.

Respect for yourself and others goes a long way!

SEEK: Stay Equipped, Empowered, Kingdom focused! ©

Remember, it is always a heart issue!




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Daily Inspiration-Stay Out Of It!


If God does not specifically call you to something,

Stay out of it.

Pray about it if you feel led but

Stay out of it.

Too often people interject themselves into situations

They are not called to and

The results are rarely good.

SEEK: Stay Equipped, Empowered, Kingdom focused! ©

Remember, it is always a heart issue!




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Daily Inspiration-Enough!


It is the end of January already.  If your party is not in the White House right now please do not feel required to attack everything and everyone else just to continually reiterate your displeasure.  You have been more than heard.

Remember, it is a privilege to be an American. It is not nor has it ever been a right owed every person on this planet. 

 We are still a sovereign nation.

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Daily Inspiration-The Bottom Line


This is My commandment,

That you

Love one another as I have loved you.


John 15:12

Stay Equipped, Empowered, Kingdom focused! ©

Remember, it is always a heart issue!


God Bless America

Pray USA 100

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Daily Inspiration-A New Lease On Life!


Are you living your life or

Is your life living you?

It is easy to become a slave to your routine without realizing it.

Step back a little.

Even if you can only tweak your day in small ways

-Any shift can be refreshing.

Give yourself a new lease on life!

Stay Equipped, Empowered, Kingdom focused! ©

Remember, it is always a heart issue!


God Bless America

Pray USA 100

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Daily Inspiration-Think Twice–Be Nice!


Every circumstance

Offers opportunity.

You can become

Better or bitter.

You can offer

Grace or be offended.

It is really up to you.

Choose carefully.

The result will either

Bless you or upset you

And those around you.

Think twice.  Be nice!

Stay Equipped, Empowered, Kingdom focused! ©

Remember, it is always a heart issue!


God Bless America

Pray USA 100

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Daily Inspiration-Reach Across the Aisle!


There is much division in America right now.

Do not be a part of it

On any level.

Remember, we are Americans first.

We are all in this together.

Be a part of the uniting of America once again.

Do not just wish and hope for change.

Be a positive part of the change!

Reach across the aisle of race, color, creed and political affiliation!

Stay Equipped, Empowered, Kingdom focused! ©

Remember, it is always a heart issue!

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