“For Such a Time as This!” Esther 4:14 – Listen Up!

“For Such a Time as This!”

Esther 4:14

Ever talk with someone who finishes your sentences?  Ever talk with someone who interrupts your story to tell one of their own that has absolutely no connection whatsoever?  When did it become OK to disrespect others?

Listen.  Give grace and space to another to share their story and their heart.  It is always a heart issue after all.  If you allow your heart to be so consumed with yourself you will surely miss opportunities to listen and learn from those around you.

Christians are called to love one another.  To love others

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Daily Inspiration-Esteem Others…

Some people go through life not considering the impact that their words and actions have on those around them.  They do and say whatever works for them at the moment with little regard for others.  In their mind they are righteous, yet they can leave a trail of devastation behind them.

Do not be that person!  Consider your words.  Put the needs of others above your own.  Show compassion.  It is not about what you may perceive has been done to you.  It is every bit about how you respond and what you carry in your heart.  It is after

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