Today is the Day!


Blessings as we walk through this first month in January, 2012!  The focus and attention we give to the Lord and the things of God in this month will affect how we experience the entire year before us.   We have the opportunity to set the pattern for the year for our spiritual life and relationship with the Lord.  It does not matter what may have gone before in years past…where we may have been remiss in serving Him or even
acknowledging Him in our life.  Psalm 118:24 begins with, “This is the day the Lord has made….”   Today is the day, not yesterday, not tomorrow.  Today is the day.   Determine on this day to begin afresh in your relationship with Him.   Put Him first as you walk through this first month.  Take this 31 days to put Him first in your heart (and it is always a heart issue) and in all you think and that will greatly affect all your actions.

In Matthew 6:33, Jesus tells us, “But seek first the kingdom of God and His righteousness, and all these things shall be added to you.”  This comes from a discourse on wealth and worry.  True wealth lies in the heart (and it is always a heart issue) of the individual.  If that individual heart is aligned with the heart of God, there develops an unwavering trust that does not allow a place for worry.  Am I saying that we never worry about anything?  Of course not, as in our humanity we can at times get so caught up in a situation around us that we take our eyes off His bigger picture.  If we purpose to put God and His Kingdom first in our life, first in our thoughts, first in our actions, the peace that surpasses all understanding will reside in our heart despite the circumstances around us.  Is it possible to achieve this peace?  Absolutely!  However, it is not possible in our own strength.  Only with the help of the Spirit of God can we walk in peace in the fullness of our destiny.

What is of utmost importance is what we set in our minds and hearts  to do today. Start today and take one day at a time to reach the fullness of what He has for you in 2012. Do not worry about tomorrow or next month.  Jesus tells us, “Therefore do not worry about tomorrow, for tomorrow will worry about its own things.” Set aside a bit of time today and ask the Lord to help you strategize.  Strategically purpose to order your life from this day forward to seek Him and His Kingdom first.  What might that entail?

O  Check out your prayer life.  If you do not have one, establish one.  Do not just make prayer a time to ask God to change all around you.  Perhaps He is trying to change you.

O  Pick up your Bible.  If you do not have one, get one.  This is God’s Word to shape your life, to encourage you in Him, and to grow you into the fullness of what He has for you.  Consider a study Bible with explanation throughout.  A pastor whose church I attended many years ago shared that he got a new Bible each year to read through.  I have done that ever
since and each translation and study focus enriches the Word exponentially.

O  Work on your relationship with Him.  If you do not have one, start one.  He is waiting for you.  If you have lapsed in your end of the relationship, start today to hold up your part.  He is always holding up His.

The complaint I most often hear is, “I do not have enough
time to pray, read the Bible, spend time with God.”  God gives us 24/7; surely we can share some of that time with Him.  We are in such critical
times in our history as a Nation that we must align ourselves with God and His plan for us as individuals so we can come together corporately for the future of our country.  The time is now; the day is today to get each of our lives ordered with the Lord.   Take this first month to set the tone for the
year.  Take this first month to ask forgiveness, to be humble, to pray, to seek Him first that He will hear each of us and all of us and heal our land.

Thank you for your commitment to pray for our Nation.  This is a crucial election year and we each need to be in a position to prayerfully seek the Lord for wisdom and discernment.  Please hold our servicemen and women in prayer for salvation, safety, and strength.