Let the Wind of the Holy Spirit
Raise You Above the Clutter of the World
This morning as I spent some much needed quiet time with the Lord I sat on my deck looking toward the mountain in the not so distant horizon. It was a beautiful, sunny morning with just the right breeze to cool off the Southern summer morning. As I looked up I watched a bevy of creatures flying around. There were butterflies, birds, bees and large beetles all moving swiftly. Miraculously, they did not collide with one another. The beetles were most numerous and on occasion smashed into the house and fence with quite a sound. Yet, they readjusted their course and kept right on going.
Far above this flurry of activity a lone bird was coasting on the breeze. I watched this bird for some time. Gliding without a care in the world, this bird was engulfed in peace. This was the exact opposite of the frenetic energy below. When I looked to see the cloud formation from whence he came, it was shaped as a heart. It is always a heart issue!
The Flurry Scurry
I could not help but think of Christians in the world today. Some zip around hither and yon with the appearance of great activity for the Lord. Some hit walls but do not even realize it. Some may comprehend the situation in the natural but do not take the time to seek the Lord for His direction. They just dust off and continue on at break neck speed lest they lose the momentum they have worked so hard to establish on their own.
Perhaps they have never been taught to seek the Lord first. Pray first. Perhaps they have forgotten. In any circumstance in your life, seek the Lord first. Pray first. Do not move until you receive His answer to your question. I assure you, He has the answer to whatever challenges you!
Which Gate Calls to You?
Now think of the lone bird moving so gracefully through the sky. This bird has chosen to rise above all the superfluous activity. I could not help but see right before my eyes a picture of the wide road and the narrow path. The wide road was filled with so many unique creatures scurrying at such speed that some even smash headlong into obstacles in their path. Many have entered through this wide gate. It ultimately leads to destruction.
The narrow gate leads to life. Sadly, few find it. This bird coasted so softly on the breeze. Alone yet fulfilled. Momentarily solitary this bird was not frantically flapping his wings to stay afloat. He was not desperately seeking another bird or group of birds to direct him. Do you ever spend time alone with the Lord? Or, do you anxiously seek the counsel of a bevy of people to stay afloat? Of course, wise counsel is to be sought at times of major decisions. However, seeking the counsel of the Lord should be a daily lifestyle.
It Is Never Too Late!
Jesus Christ died to give you the opportunity for eternal salvation. When He left this earth to join The Father in heaven, He sent His Holy Spirit to guide you. If you have accepted Jesus as your Lord and Savior then His Spirit will gently lead you to the narrow gate. It is your choice whether or not you enter through this gate or stay on the wide road that will ultimately lead to your ruin.
If you have not yet made the decision to accept Jesus into your heart, do it now. Do not wait another minute. Speak to Him from your heart (for it is always a heart issue). Tell Him you have fallen short in your life. Sincerely apologize for your sins, ask Him to cleanse you and come into your heart and into your life. From this moment forward let His Spirit guide you along the narrow road that leads to everlasting life.
To live for Him affords you eternal salvation. To live for Him affords you the peace that surpasses all understanding while still on this earth. If you are not fully living for Him, start today. The next time you see a bird gliding ever so gracefully through the sky know that the grace of God is ever present to lift you above your circumstances. Stay focused on Him. Listen to the guidance and counsel of His Holy Spirit. Stay on the narrow path. Soar above the clouds!
Quotes to Ponder This Week
“Enter by the narrow gate; for wide is the gate and broad is the way that leads to destruction, and there are many who go in by it. Because narrow is the gate and difficult is the way which leads to life, and there are few who find it.” ~Jesus, Matthew 7:13-14
“Not everyone who says to Me, ‘Lord, Lord,’ shall enter the kingdom of heaven, but he who does the will of My Father in heaven. Many will say to Me in that day, ‘Lord, Lord, have we not prophesied in Your name, cast out demons in Your name, and done many wonders in Your name?’ And then I will declare to them, I’I never knew you; depart from Me, you who practice lawlessness!” ~Jesus, Matthew 7:21-23
A Prayer Request
Thank you for your continued faithfulness to pray. Please keep all who serve our country, our servicemen and women and their families in prayer for salvation and safety. They are our front-line on the battlefield, let us be their front-line in the spirit. Also, let us cover all who have come home wounded that they and their families will receive the kindness, help and support they need to go forward in their lives. God bless all our diplomatic and military personnel and their families. May the Lord keep them safe.
Pray for all throughout the world for hedges of protection against radical Islamic extremists and all forms of terrorism. Pray for Christians who face violence and death for their faith. We have long prayed for spiritual victory over radical Islam in Esther’s Warriors Ministry. We now see the reality of this threat come to the forefront in this time in world history. As Iranians and Islamic extremists are shouting ‘Death to America,’ let us speak life, hope and a return to God in America!
Please pray for all in authority over us, for the full truth to come forth concerning Benghazi. May God richly bless the United States of America, bring to light every single crooked place and keep her safe. The lives lost in Benghazi, the continuing targeting of conservative groups by the Internal Revenue Service, Operation Fast and Furious, the Department of Justice targeting journalists phone records, the National Security Agency overstepping its legal authority are hardly “phony scandals.” We continue to pray for truth to prevail in each of these situations. Pray for the families who have lost loved ones, for those relentlessly targeted and for all of us who are proud to call ourselves American.
May we may arise united once again as One Nation Under God in this auspicious season in our country’s history. These are treacherous times and now more than ever we must maintain our walk with the Lord, saturate this country in prayer and stand for all that is right in America. Fail not in this hour.
Pray for peace in Israel. Pray for the peace of Jerusalem.
Please Join Me In Prayer
Father God, we thank You for the ultimate price that Jesus paid to set us free. Guide us to rise far above the daily clouds of life and keep focused ever on You and Your ways. Direct our steps to stay on the narrow path that leads to life. Raise us up in this season to pray without ceasing for this country. Place deep in our hearts Your compassion for our fellow men and women.
Place deep in our heart the love of God and love of country that has guided our Nation from its inception. Lead us to pray without ceasing for our brothers and sisters who suffer at the hands of Islamic terrorists. Open the eyes of our leaders to arise in this season to defend the very belief in You upon which our Nation is founded. Thank You for keeping Your hand on America. We humbly pray this in Jesus’ mighty name. Amen and Amen.