Dear Prayer Warriors,
For those of you who are not on certain Social Media sites, I publish “Short Takes” every day. Below are the takes for last week. Also are included links to short posts “From the Archives of Esther’s Warriors Ministry.” I pray they bless you and keep you striving toward a full Kingdom walk ‘for such a time as this!’
God Bless,
~Walk Worthy of Your Calling!
~”By His stripes we ARE healed”…not maybe…not possibly…ARE…Never forget that! Isaiah 53:5
~People see you through their own insecurities. Do not let that move you or change you!
~NEVER forget who you are in Christ. NEVER forget whose you are! You are seated in high places with Him. Walk it out!
~You will miss the blessing if you focus on what appears to be a curse. Hold fast to the profession of your faith! He IS faithful!
~Remember, you are IN the world not OF it. Kingdom living…priceless!
~The currency of the Kingdom is love. Spend it lavishly!
~Kingdom living…may be upside down but makes your life right side up!
~Do not let doctrine keep you from God’s truth!
~The King’s touch knows NO limits. His touch heals ALL!
~Contemporary Thinking or the Word of God…Choose Wisely!