Walk forward. Do not look back. Be thankful for all you have come through and for all the good that is to come your way. If you see only the negative, you surely miss all the positive around you.
Life is a challenge to be sure but it is also a divine gift. Each breath you take is precious. Each breath you take is God given. Each breath you take is one more chance to make the world a better place.
You are here “for such a time as this!” You are no accident. Whatever has gone before in your life leads up to this very moment.
Choose this day to walk in a Kingdom mindset for the rest of your days on earth. To be Kingdom is to allow God to work through you to bring His Kingdom to earth as it is in heaven “for such a time as this!” To be Kingdom is to forsake the ways of the world for a more excellent way.
Arise. This is our season. Walk forward!
For it is written:
“But earnestly desire the best gifts. And yet I show you a more excellent way.”
1 Corinthians 12:31
Stay Equipped, Empowered, Kingdom focused! ©
Remember, it is always a heart issue!
“Yet who knows whether you have come to the Kingdom for such a time as this?”
Esther 4:14
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