The Web Within Your Heart

Heart Web 1Heart Web

Who Weaves Within Your Heart?

What Remains Woven?

I pray this finds you well today.   In walking in my neighborhood I pass a certain tree every day.  This spring I shared a photo with you of the beautiful heart shaped leaves.  This fall I have been watching one particular leaf on this little tree.  A spider has been weaving a web so intricately over the weeks.  As a result, this leaf is mottled and becoming more lifeless each day.  The spider casts his shadow over the leaf on sunny days.  Even though he is quite small his shadow looms largely over the leaf.  If you click on and enlarge the photo on the right you will see what I mean.

Which Leaf Reflects Your Heart?

I could not help but think about the human heart especially as these leaves are heart shaped.  Is your heart pure from bitterness, resentment, judgment and the like?  Or have you allowed the enemy to weave his ungodly web around and within your heart?  If allowed, he will loom over every aspect of your life.  He will weave webs of deceit that will wrongly color every relationship.  He will cause your heart to become so mottled from the Word of God that your every circumstance will reflect his lies rather than God’s truth and grace.

Look at the difference between the two leaves in the pictures.  Through the season of life the one on the right is reaching its end so drained that it does not even look like the others aging alongside it.  Whatever season of life you are in right now, check your heart.

Oh The Webs We Weave!

Imagine how sticky and intricate a spider web is as it attaches to any surface.  You know when you try to remove a spider web in the natural how it sticks to your fingers?  Sin and deceit are just as sticky. Often such a treacherous web is weaved that you are unable to see it yourself.  It can become a stronghold that keeps you from God’s best for you.

If you are stuck in such a web, seek the Lord.  He knows right where you are in your journey.  He died to set you free.  If you have unconfessed sin, seek Him with heartfelt repentance and move on with your life.  Do not wallow in your sinful nature.  To do so is to consider His finished work on the cross as to no effect.  Once you repent, He forgets your sin and so should you.  Let Him weave His love, compassion and peace throughout your heart.

Step Up to Kingdom Living

To be used by God in His Kingdom on earth as it is in heaven you must move forward in Him.  Make repentance a lifestyle each day for your daily transgressions but do not continue to revisit past sins for which you have repented.  That is not scriptural.  That is not Kingdom.  Perhaps it is religion.  Perhaps it is a stronghold based on erroneous teaching, but it is not Kingdom.

It is never too late to clear out the webs of deceit that may have been weaved over the years.  It is never too late to seek God and ask Him to renew your heart in Him. 

You are here ‘for such a time as this!’ If you accept Jesus Christ as your Lord and Savior you are on this earth to co-create with Him in this season.  You are here to bring His Kingdom on earth as it is in heaven.  You are here for Him to work through you to the salvation of many.  Check your heart.  In the power of His Holy Spirit, clear out the cobwebs of deceit, false teaching, and sin and move forward today!

It Is Never Too Late!

If you have not yet made the decision to accept Jesus into your heart, do it now.  Do not wait another minute.  Speak to Him from your heart (for it is always a heart issue).  Tell Him you have fallen short in your life.  Sincerely apologize for your sins.  Ask Him to cleanse you and come into your heart and be Lord over your life.  From this moment forward let His Spirit guide you along the narrow road that leads to everlasting life.

Quotes to Ponder This Week

“Take heed that no one deceives you.” ~ Jesus, Matthew 24:4

 “The time is fulfilled, and the kingdom of God is at hand.  Repent, and believe in the gospel.”  ~Mark 1:15

“…that they may come to their senses and escape the snare of the devil, having been taken captive by him to do his will.” ~2Timothy 2:25-26

 “But you are a chosen generation, a royal priesthood, a holy nation, His own special people, that you may proclaim the praises of Him who called you out of darkness into His marvelous light; who once were not a people but are now the people of god, who had not obtained mercy but now have obtained mercy.”  ~1Peter 2:9-10

“You are Lord and You are mighty and You are merciful.  Raise up all who would call upon Your name.  Raise up those that love You and seek You and trust You.  Lord, we need an army of believers that would stand on Your Word above all else.  Raise up warriors, Lord, who will fight on their knees; who will worship You with their whole hearts, Lord.  Lord, call us to battle that we may proclaim the King of kings and the Lord of lords.  Raise them up, Lord.  Raise them up!”  ~Miss Clara, War Room the Movie

A Prayer Request

Thank you for your continued faithfulness to pray.  Please keep all who serve our country, our servicemen and women and their families in prayer for salvation and safety.  They are our front-line on the battlefield, let us be their front-line in the spirit.  Also, let us cover all who have come home wounded that they and their families will receive the kindness, help and support they need to go forward in their lives.  God bless all our diplomatic and military personnel and their families.  May the Lord keep them safe.

Pray for all throughout the world for hedges of protection against radical Islamic extremists and all forms of terrorism.   Pray for Christians who face violence and death for their faith.  We have long prayed for spiritual victory over radical Islam in Esther’s Warriors Ministry. We now see the reality of this threat come to the forefront in this time in world history.  As Iranians and Islamic extremists are shouting ‘Death to America,’ let us speak life, hope and a return to God in America!

Please pray for all in authority over us.  Pray for the full truth to come forth concerning #Benghazi.  Pray for Representative Trey Gowdy as he leads the House Select Committee on Benghazi.  May God richly bless the United States of America, bring to light every single crooked place and keep her safe.  The lives lost in Benghazi, the targeting of conservative groups by the Internal Revenue Service, Operation Fast and Furious, the Department of Justice targeting journalists phone records, the National Security Agency overstepping its legal authority and so much more are hardly “phony scandals.”  We continue to pray for truth to prevail in each of these situations.  Pray for the families who have lost loved ones, for those relentlessly targeted and for all of us who are proud to call ourselves American.

May we may arise united once again as One Nation Under God in this auspicious season in our country’s history. These are treacherous times and now more than ever we must maintain our walk with the Lord, saturate this country in prayer and stand for all that is right in America.  Fail not in this hour.

Pray for peace in Israel.  Pray for the peace of Jerusalem.

Pray for all affected by this week’s natural disasters.

Pray for American Pastor Saeed Abedini who has been held, tortured and denied medical care in Iran for being a Christian.  He was captured in 2012.  Let us join our prayers with others across the globe for his release and safe return to his wife and children.

#PrayforAmerica,  #AmericaLoveitorLeave it;   #GodblessAmerica; #WakeupAmerica

Please Join Me In Prayer

Father God, we thank You for the ultimate price that Jesus paid to set us free.  Let each of us walk in that freedom and experience that freedom deep in our hearts.  I bind any plan of the enemy over every one praying this prayer in Jesus’ name!  No weapon, not one formed against you shall prosper.  I plead the blood of Jesus over you and pray mighty hedges of protection around you in the name of Jesus.  May you arise in this season to the fullness of God’s destiny for you.  Father, use each of us to bring Your Kingdom on earth as it is in heaven.

Place deep in our hearts the love of God and love of country that has guided this Nation from its inception.  Place deep in our hearts Your compassion for our fellow men and women.    Lead us to pray without ceasing for our brothers and sisters who suffer at the hands of Islamic terrorists. Open the eyes of our leaders to arise in this season to defend the very belief in You upon which our Nation is founded.  Thank You for keeping Your hand on America.  We humbly pray this in Jesus’ mighty name.  Amen and Amen.

SEEK:  Stay Equipped, Empowered, Kingdom focused!