Daily Inspiration-Be Thankful of Heart!

There are people and circumstances that can have a profound effect on you. If that effect is not positive, release it.  Learn from them and the experience.   Hold them in prayer.  Release them with a clear heart (for it is always a heart issue) and move on with your life.

 If the effect is positive, cherish it.  Pray for them.  What you let into your heart will have a profound impact on your life!  Appreciate the good in your life.  Be thankful of heart.  For whatever is taking place right now in your life, there is always good.

There is

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#Merry Christmas


In just two days people worldwide will celebrate the commemoration of the birth of Jesus Christ.  The light from His star led wise men to His manger so long ago.  Today His light continues to shine bright in a darkened world.  Wise men still seek Him.  Once found, His light shines through each of them attracting others to His saving grace.  The immeasurable sanctity of a true relationship with the Son of God forever transforms an earthly life to a Kingdom walk.

“For unto us a Child is born, unto us a Son is given; and the … Read the rest