Are You Dandelion Fluff?

Are You Dandelion Fluff

Do You Know Who You Are?

If asked who you are what would your answer be? Would it be relative to your career, family, religious denomination, or community affiliations? So often your self-image is quite wrapped up in what you do for a living, who you are in your household or what your various community affiliations are outside your home. It is not uncommon to have your self-image so tied to some position in your life that if you were to lose that position you would no longer know who you are.

Derailed Yet Restored in Christ

Earlier in my … Read the rest

How Much Are You Willing To Give?

Kingdom Discipleship

What is the True

Cost of Discipleship?

Did you ever consider the cost of discipleship?  If you made the choice to follow Jesus, did you have any idea what the costs might be for you?  Or did you jump aboard hearing promises of abundant wealth and prosperous living on all levels?  Was your heart really in your commitment?  Did you really consider giving up all to follow Him?  Did you consider the costs at all?

First Things First

In Luke 14:25-35, Jesus talks about the cost of following Him.  He defines clearly the cost of discipleship.  You must be willing … Read the rest