Daily Inspiration-Keep Your Life Simple!

You know those people who get all involved in other people’s lives and business?  Decide not to be that person.  Keep your life simple.  Focus on your own walk and that of those you are responsible to lead and guide.  Leave the rest to God for only He fully sees their heart, motives and situation.

You only see an infinitesimal portion of any situation.  To think you know it all from that very narrow vantage point is to operate from a perspective of pride at its fullest.  Stay out of it.  Judge not.  Work out your own salvation!

For it

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Daily Inspiration-What Do You Harbor?

Never underestimate what someone else carries.  You only see an infinitesimal snapshot of what is their life and what are their challenges.  Plus, you see what you see through your own filter which is skewed by your own life experiences.

It is always a heart issue.  What do you harbor deep in the recesses of your heart?  What is in your heart will determine how you perceive your world and the world of another.  If you harbor bitterness, rejection, anger, unforgiveness and the like, you will see all things through a negative lens.  You will operate from a place of

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