“For Such a Time as This!” Esther 4:14 – Give Up and Step Up for Lent!

“For Such a Time as This!”

Esther 4:14

Yesterday began the season of Lent.  It was also Valentine’s Day when everyone thinks about love and hearts and flowers. It is interesting that Lent began on a day dedicated to love.  There is not greater love than the love Jesus Christ has for you.  There is no greater love!

During the 40 day journey of Lent, Christians around the world take time to fast, pray and seek God during these days leading up to Resurrection Sunday.   As children we were focused on giving up something for Lent.  Usually this was candy

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“For Such a Time as This!” Esther 4:14 – Is Your Miracle An Idol?

“For Such a Time as This!”

Esther 4:14

Are you believing for a miracle in your life?  Your miracle could be for restoration of health, relationship, finances or a myriad of other issues.  Many are so focused on their big desired miracle that they miss the voluminous miracles taking place daily right in front of them.

Have you become so focused on your miracle that you have become angry with God for not producing instantly?  Are you so focused on your miracle that you no longer walk in thanksgiving for all that you do have in your life?  Are you

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Daily Inspiration-“Seek Ye First…”

 This is a season of blessings and miracles.  Take time to be grateful for the everyday miracles in your life.  I see and hear much in ministry about the challenges people face every day.

Many of us will never know the challenge of being confined to a wheelchair or being unable to hear or speak or see.  Countless live with chronic pain that limits their life and ability to interact with others.  Countless others are challenged with anxiety, addiction, PTSD.  The list goes on.

Whatever may be your challenge, never let it define you for you are so much more

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Daily Inspiration-Seek Ye First…

Set clear boundaries.  Some will try to cross them.  Some will seek to annihilate them.  Set them anyway.  Hold on to His truth!

Stay close to the Lord.  Pray a mighty hedge of protection around you and your family daily. Seek Him.  Seek His peace.  Seek His Kingdom.

For it is written:

  “But seek ye first the kingdom of God, and His righteousness; and all these things shall be added unto you.” 


Matthew 6:33  

Stay Equipped, Empowered, Kingdom focused! ©

Remember, it is always a heart issue!

“Yet who knows whether you have come to the Kingdom for

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Daily Inspiration-Life Does Not Have to Be Perfect to Be Wonderful! Seek Ye First…

If you are looking for perfection you will be sadly disappointed.  No thing and no person in life is “perfect.”  However, if you are settled in your heart (and it is always a heart issue) you will find life is about as close to perfect as possible.  You will have a peace that surpasses all understanding despite what may be swirling around you at the moment.

Pray without ceasing.  Live holy.  Be responsible.  Put God first and all else will fall into place.   Life does not have to be perfect to be wonderful!

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