Daily Inspiration-God’s Amazing Healing Grace At Work Today!

I was reading an article about whether people see the glass representing their life as half full or half empty.  Personally, I am happy to have the glass!  It is easy to ruminate on what is missing and miss what is right before you.  Some of the simplest blessings are the most overlooked and taken for granted.

Many years ago I went for an eye exam and the Doctor told me I had to see a surgeon that day or I would instantly go blind.   WOW…not what I expected to hear to say the least.  He was adamant.  They offered

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Sufficient Grace

Sufficient Grace

How Amazing is

God’s Grace!

I pray this finds you well and having enjoyed the weekend.  If you are in America you no doubt enjoyed family, friends and fireworks to celebrate Independence Day!  It is a wonderful day when the country unites to commemorate the history that makes us free.  May God continue to bless America.

Have You Ever Been Stretched?

Do you ever feel that you are at the end of your rope?  It could be with a relationship, a health issue or a life situation.  Whatever the circumstance, you may even wonder if you can take one more … Read the rest