2016 Strategy-Include Prayer


Enter 2016

With a Prayerful Heart

Are you setting resolutions for the year during this first month of 2016?  Are they focused around weight management, better financial stewardship, and other life issues that you plan to do better with in this New Year?  Do you have a plan for your spiritual life?  Are there some changes you hope to make this year to go deeper with the Lord?  Many choose to pray and fast at the beginning of the year.  Hearing from God during such a time is critical to be able to follow His direction throughout the year.


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Write The Vision for 2016

The Vision

Put Away Last Year’s

Negativity and Angst

As 2015 draws to a close, take time this week to take one last look over your year.  As you put away Christmas decorations carefully release this past year.  It is over.  Whatever took place, whether good or bad, has ended.  You did your best.  If you did not, determine to do better in 2016.  As long as you are alive you can move forward.  You can think all is lost but that is never the case.  Year end is bittersweet.  Although it does signal the end of a period of time, it … Read the rest