Daily Inspiration-Will You Accept Peace In Your Life?

It is written:

“Peace I leave with you, My peace I give to you; not as the world gives do I give to you. Let not your heart be troubled, neither let it be afraid.”


John 14:27

When I read this scripture this morning I could not help but wonder why most Christians are not at peace.   I certainly include myself in this at times.  Jesus leaves us His peace and gives it to us, yet do we freely receive that peace?  His is a deep peace unlike anything the world has to offer.  Yet, do we look to

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Daily Inspiration-How Is Your Thought Pattern?

Do you ever find yourself in a situation that leads you to spiral down a negative path in your mind?  Do your thoughts swirl so swiftly that you can relate to the term, “head spinning?”  You may even find yourself directing all your undesirable energy toward a person whom you feel to be responsible for the situation or irresponsible in their part in it.  Often, this can lead to full blown anxiety.

Does any of this sound familiar?  I know that I can quite easily go down a path of rumination at such a rapid pace that I am not

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