Daily Inspiration-Will You Accept Peace In Your Life?

It is written:

“Peace I leave with you, My peace I give to you; not as the world gives do I give to you. Let not your heart be troubled, neither let it be afraid.”


John 14:27

When I read this scripture this morning I could not help but wonder why most Christians are not at peace.   I certainly include myself in this at times.  Jesus leaves us His peace and gives it to us, yet do we freely receive that peace?  His is a deep peace unlike anything the world has to offer.  Yet, do we look to

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Daily Inspiration-What Do You Harbor?

Never underestimate what someone else carries.  You only see an infinitesimal snapshot of what is their life and what are their challenges.  Plus, you see what you see through your own filter which is skewed by your own life experiences.

It is always a heart issue.  What do you harbor deep in the recesses of your heart?  What is in your heart will determine how you perceive your world and the world of another.  If you harbor bitterness, rejection, anger, unforgiveness and the like, you will see all things through a negative lens.  You will operate from a place of

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