#Pray for America- Rising As Incense

Rising As Incense

Let Your Holy Prayer
Be Filled With Spirit and Truth

Living in the mountains I often see a morning mist rising up toward heaven. It seems to cover the land until the sun burns it away for the day. Seeing this reminds me of King David’s desire to have his prayer come before God as incense. The mountain mist appears as if incense rising. In it I see the prayers of the faithful coming together and rising as incense to the throne room of God.

King David wanted his prayer to be ‘set’ before the Lord. His heart’s desire was for his prayer to be established and solid before his God. He did not want to pray flippantly or amiss. He wanted his prayer to be sacred. How do you consider your prayer life? Is it consecrated time? Are you consistent in your communication with the Lord? Do you wonder if He is even listening? I can assure you His is heeding your every word.

He Shall Give His Angels Charge Over Thee

A few weeks ago I fell on a city sidewalk that was in disrepair. If you have ever fallen you know that you are upright one minute and down the next without realizing what happened. I had just turned onto a rather deserted street, yet instantly after my fall, two young people appeared to help me. The young woman tended to my injuries and bandaged me up. I was quite surprised that she even carried latex free band aids. This was a relief as I have a latex allergy. The young man helped me up and once they determined that I was alright we parted ways. I went to urgent care and thankfully nothing was broken but they wrapped my wrist in a latex free wrap. I knew that God was in each encounter.

The next day I was speaking with a friend and she told me she had been entertaining at her home the day before and felt an overwhelming burden to excuse herself from her company. She was led to pray for me as my need was urgent. She prayed that God would provide whatever I needed. I asked her what time that was and it was exactly during the time I fell. I thanked her for her willingness to follow the Holy Spirit’s lead to pray.

He Knows Your Every Need

I share this story as it is a simple reminder of how God works through each of us to cover each other, our country and whatever He puts on your heart. For these two young people to arrive instantly on a deserted street; for her to have latex free band aids; for nothing to be broken and for the urgent care clinic to be stocked with latex free supplies reinforces that God is concerned right down to the most specific details. He is faithful.
Never think that He has forgotten you. He is aware of every hair on your head and every need in your heart. In His perfect time and in His perfect will He answers your prayers. Never give up on Him because He will never give up on you. Let your prayer be holy. Let your prayer be filled with spirit and truth. Let your prayer rise as incense to His holy throne.

As believers we must also be faithful to pray especially when prompted by the Spirit. You never know what your prayer may do for someone. Your never know what your prayer may change. You never know what mountain your prayer may move.

In Esther’s Warriors we pray for the revival and reformation; Divine protection for America; our military and their families; all military who have come home wounded and for their families; for the youth; for each member of the Body of Christ; for peace in Israel; for spiritual victory over radical Islam and the revolutionary Muslim community; for our families, finances, health and ministries; for wisdom and discernment; and for a fresh increased anointing-a double portion for each of us to go forward in the Lord. May our prayers join together and rise as incense!

Quotes to Ponder This Week

“Ask, and it will be given to you; seek, and you will find; knock, and it will be opened to you.” ~Jesus, Matthew 7:7


“Let my prayer be set before You as incense…” ~Psalm 141:2a

A Prayer Request

Thank you for your continued faithfulness to pray. Please keep all who serve our country, our servicemen and women and their families in prayer for salvation and safety. They are our front-line on the battlefield, let us be their front-line in the spirit. Also, let us cover all who have come home wounded that they and their families will receive the kindness, help and support they need to go forward in their lives. God bless all our diplomatic and military personnel and their families. May the Lord keep them safe.

Pray for all throughout the world for hedges of protection against radical Islamic extremists and all forms of terrorism. Pray for Christians who face violence and death for their faith. We have long prayed for spiritual victory over radical Islam in Esther’s Warriors Ministry. We now see the reality of this threat come to the forefront in this time in world history. As Iranians and Islamic extremists are shouting ‘Death to America,’ let us speak life, hope and a return to God in America!

Please pray for all in authority over us, for the full truth to come forth concerning Benghazi. May God richly bless the United States of America, bring to light every single crooked place and keep her safe. The lives lost in Benghazi, the continuing targeting of conservative groups by the Internal Revenue Service, Operation Fast and Furious, the Department of Justice targeting journalists phone records, the National Security Agency overstepping its legal authority are hardly “phony scandals.” We continue to pray for truth to prevail in each of these situations. Pray for the families who have lost loved ones, for those relentlessly targeted and for all of us who are proud to call ourselves American.

May we may arise united once again as One Nation Under God in this auspicious season in our country’s history. These are treacherous times and now more than ever we must maintain our walk with the Lord, saturate this country in prayer and stand for all that is right in America. Fail not in this hour

Pray for peace in Israel. Pray for the peace of Jerusalem.

Please Join Me In Prayer

Father God, we thank You for the ultimate price that Jesus paid to set us free. Lead us to hear and follow Your Holy Spirit’s prompting to pray. Let our prayers be set before You as incense rising to Your holy throne room. I pray for each person reading this that You plant deep in their heart a desire to pray in spirit and truth.


Place deep in our heart the love of God and love of country that has guided our Nation from its inception. Lead us to pray without ceasing for our brothers and sisters who suffer at the hands of Islamic terrorists. Open the eyes of our leaders to arise in this season to defend the very belief in You upon which our Nation is founded. Thank You for keeping Your hand on America. We humbly pray this in Jesus’ mighty name. Amen and Amen.

SEEK: Stay Equipped, Empowered, Kingdom focused!