Looking For Something To Do This Week?

Praying Hands

Commit to a Week of Prayer

And Atonement

This week is a solemn week in America as we remember lives lost on September 11, 2001 in New York, Pennsylvania and Washington, D.C., as well as on September 11, 2012 in Benghazi.  We continue to pray for the families and friends who lost their loved ones and for the full truth to come forth concerning Benghazi.

Be At-One With God

The praying hands in the picture above were carved of olive wood in the Holy Land.  This week our Jewish brothers and sisters celebrate the High Holy Days which began on September 5 with Rosh Hashanah, the Jewish New Year.  During this time one reviews the past year and seeks God’s forgiveness as well as peace and forgiveness from those in their life they may have treated badly.  Inspired to give more to help those in need the focus comes off self and toward God and other people. On September 13, Yom Kippur, the Day of Atonement marks the end of this holy time.  Fasting, refraining from work and attending services mark this day set aside to repent before the Lord.

Freedom Is Not Free

As the summer fades into the fall season take some time to really search your heart and ask God to remove anything not of Him.  Seek to bring your heart in line with His heart.  Repent for anything that may grieve Him.  If we each repent on a personal level we will then be equipped to come together in the spirit to repent as a Nation.  Any discordant thing in your life has at its root a dissonant heart issue.  It is always a heart issue.  Until you address issues at the heart level and let His Spirit change your heart from stone to flesh you will remain bound.

Jesus died to set you free but if you choose to continue in unhealthy heart patterns that freedom is elusive.  Unhealthy heart patterns lead to unhealthy words and actions toward self and others.  This can be an ongoing spiral that simply repeats itself over and over in some way in every relationship in your life.  If you continue in this life configuration you can claim freedom but you will not walk in it.  He died to set you free but you must also die to things and heart patterns of the world to live that freedom to the fullest in Him.  Choose His freedom today!

Live in Freedom

With all that is going on in the United States of America with numerous very real scandals, possible involvement in Syria, and an overall turning from the ways of the Lord over the past several decades, I ask that you commit this week to prayer and fasting for our Nation.  We continually stand in one accord in Esther’s Warriors Ministry and pray for revival across denominational lines and a turning to the Lord; for divine protection and spiritual cover for America; for our military and diplomatic personnel and their families; for the youth to be raised up and drawn to the Lord; for each member of the body of Christ to wake up to their true call in the Lord; for wisdom and discernment in the way we should go and words we should speak; for peace in Israel; for spiritual victory over radical Islam and the revolutionary Muslim community; and for each other for our families, finances, health and ministries.

During this most powerful week, seek Him and His way for your life.  Make a concerted effort to repent and release whatever took place in the past that was not His best through you or for you and look ahead to a life lived in the freedom He died to give you.  In this season as never before we must walk in His freedom as individuals before we can come together in His power and anointing on a corporate level.  Freedom in our individual lives and in our country depends on this.  Choose His freedom today!

 Quotes to Ponder This Week

For where two or three are gathered together in My name, I am there in the midst of them.”  Jesus, Matthew 18:20

“Most assuredly, I say to you, whoever commits sin is a slave of sin.  And a slave does not abide in the house forever, but a son abides forever.  Therefore if the Son makes you free, you shall be free indeed.”  Jesus, John 8:34-36

“Stand fast therefore in the liberty by which Christ has made us free, and do not be entangled again with the yoke of bondage.”  Galatians 5:1

A Prayer Request

Thank you for your continued faithfulness to pray.  Please keep all who serve our country, our servicemen and women and their families in prayer for salvation and safety.  They are our front-line on the battlefield, let us be their front-line in the spirit.  Also, let us cover all who have come home wounded that they and their families will receive the kindness, help and support they need to go forward in their lives.

God bless all our diplomatic and military personnel and their families.  May the Lord keep them safe.  Pray for all throughout the world for hedges of protection against radical Muslim extremists and all forms of terrorism.   We have long prayed for spiritual victory over radical Islam in Esther’s Warriors Ministry. We now see the reality of this threat come to the forefront in this time in world history.

Please pray for all in authority over us, for the full truth to come forth concerning Benghazi and for safety in Israel.  May God richly bless the United States of America, bring to light every single crooked place and keep her safe.  May we may arise united once again as One Nation Under God in this auspicious season in our country’s history.

We continue to pray for truth to prevail  as we saturate this country in prayer and stand for all that is right in America and for all of us who call ourselves American.  These are treacherous times and now more than ever we must maintain our walk.  Fail not in this hour.

Please Join Me In Prayer

Father we thank You that You sent Your Son to set us free.  We repent for any thought, word or deed committed that is not of You.  We come before You with repentant hearts as individuals and as a Nation.  Your word tells us that where two or more are gathered You are in the midst.  Thank You, Jesus, that You are in our midst this day hearing our prayers and interceding at the right hand of the Father for us.  Holy Spirit guide us in complete atonement to be equipped to go forth in this season for the Lord’s glory. We pray this in Jesus’ mighty name.  Amen and amen.